Ted英语演讲:修复手术危险时刻的工具——Nikolai Begg
Nikolai Begg在Ted英语演讲:修复手术危险时刻的工具,讲述了有关穿刺手术的问题 Nikolai Begg在Ted英语演讲:修复手术危险时刻的工具 The first time I stood in the operating room and watched a real surgery, I had no idea what to expect. I was a college st
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Singh of India at G8 Summit
PRESIDENT BUSH: Prime Minister Singh and I just had a typical conversation among friends. We talked about common opportunities, world problems, and we did it in a spirit of respect -- and it was easy
Meg Jay Ted英语演讲:二十几岁是不可挥霍的光阴
20岁,不可挥霍的光阴。在这个点击过百万的TED演讲中,心理咨询师Meg Jay说不能因为婚姻、工作和子女是以后的事情,现在就可以无规划的生活。她提供三条建议帮助20多岁的年轻人重新审视自己的生活,不要做后悔的决定。为什么要听她演讲近期观点认为,25岁似乎太过年轻,无法做重大决定。临床心理学家Meg Jay藉由心理学实务和著作《20世代,你的人生是不是卡住了》阐述,许多二十世代深陷《时代》杂志所谓
Ted英语演讲:视屏 照片的魅力:Beverly:"大猫们"的生命课堂
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Sorry, a chicken. There's no reason for me to make this talk more depressing than it needs to be. 抱歉,母鸡的位置应该在这。这个演讲已经够严肃了,开个玩笑轻松一下。 It seems overwhelmingly likely, however, that the spectrum of intell