Hi, everybody. Today, there are 2.2 million people behind bars in America and millions more on parole or probation. Every year, we spend $80 billion in taxpayer dollars to keep people incarcerated. Ma
奥巴马演讲 BP Spill Independent Commission
One month ago this week, BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded off Louisiana’s coast, killing 11 people and rupturing(使破裂) an underwater pipe. The resulting oil spill has not only d
I've lived the entirety of my life in the in-between, 我一直生活在向交地带, in the liminal space between dreams and reality, race and gender, poverty and plenty, science and society. 徜徉于梦想和现实,种族和性别,贫穷与富足,科学和人文之
TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(5)
So let's project this analogy going forward. We think about energy scarcity. 让我们把这个比喻应用到其他方面,让我们想一想能源短缺。 Ladies and gentlemen, we are on a planet that is bathed with 5,000 times more energy than we us
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