TED演讲 谈上帝与海啸(2)
He wrote, "If some religious genius did come up with an explanation of exactly why all these deaths made sense,would we feel happier, or safer, or more confident in God?" 他写道:“如果真有宗教天才能够解释通为
A Culture Change on Climate Change
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTON NATIONAL FUEL EFFICIENCY STANDARDS Rose Garden 12:22 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you. Please, everybody have a seat -- have a seat. What an extraordin
President Obama in Meeting with Opposition Leaders
REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMAIN MEETING WITH OPPOSITION LEADERS PRESIDENT OBAMA: (In progress) -- not simply tolerate dissenting voices but also to respect and recognize dissenting voices. This is one of
TED演讲之身体语言 气味背后的科学(10)
Now, coumarin is a very common thing, a material, in fragrance which is derived from a bean that comes from South America. 香豆素是香水中一个十分平常的原料,从来自南美的豆子中提炼出来的。 And it is the classic synthetic aroma chemic
Obama's Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: Closing Corporate Tax Loopholes 奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁封堵企业纳税漏洞 Hi, everybody. 各位好! Our businesses have now added nearly 10 million new jobs over the past 52 months. 过去52