You realise a book just consisting of those would just be the end, so my one liners are extensions of these brevities. 你知道,一本书包含了这些内容差不多就“黄了”,所以我的笑话在此基础上还做了延伸。 Then you are worried because as yet I ha
And to all of the Board of Trustees, I truly thank you 我还要由衷地感谢校董会全体成员 And I have to send a shout out to the members of the class of 1964 我还要为1964届毕业生喝彩 Happy 50th 50周年快乐 You all know you all are goin
成长的烦恼英语演讲稿 陈宣霖 Hello everybody! My name is Chen Xuanlin. It is my pleasure to be here to share my opinions of growing pains. Grow up, like a boat in my life, driving the wave surface. Sometim
Meg Jay Ted英语演讲:二十几岁是不可挥霍的光阴
20岁,不可挥霍的光阴。在这个点击过百万的TED演讲中,心理咨询师Meg Jay说不能因为婚姻、工作和子女是以后的事情,现在就可以无规划的生活。她提供三条建议帮助20多岁的年轻人重新审视自己的生活,不要做后悔的决定。 为什么要听她演讲 近期观点认为,25岁似乎太过年轻,无法做重大决定。临床心理学家Meg Jay藉由心理学实务和著作《20世代,你的人生是不是卡住了》阐述,许多二十世代深陷《时代》杂志
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