You see, I don't normally give speeches, especially ones which require offering advice and inspiration. 你们知道,我通常不做演讲,尤其是那些要给建议、鼓舞人心的演讲。 I'm more "you mother" than I am Mother Theresa. 与其说我像特蕾莎修女,不如说我更
We worked with Bruce Nizeye, a brilliant engineer, 我们跟Bruce Nizeye一起工作,他是一个非常了不起的工程师, and he thought about construction differently than I had been taught in school. 对于建筑,他对我从学校学来的那一套有不同的看法。 When we h
All Cacilda and I have done is extend this sharing behavior to sexuality. 我和卡希尔达只是将这种分享行为扩展到了性上 So we've argued that human sexuality 我们认为人类的性 has essentially evolved, until agriculture, 直到农业出现之前 a
奥巴马演讲 减少赤字 创造就业岗位
Right now, there are a lot of folks who are still struggling with the effects of the recession. They’re wondering how they’d deal with an unexpected expense if their car breaks down. They&
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