奥巴马每周电台演讲:制造业开始增长 汽车行业开始复苏
Hello, everyone. I’m speaking to you today from a Chrysler plant in Toledo, Ohio, where I just met with workers, including Jill. Jill was born and raised here. Her mother and step-father retired from
I met these boys at five in the morning, 我在早上五点时看到这些男孩子们, when they were hauling in the last of their nets, 在收最后一个渔网, but they had been working since 1 a.m. 可他们从凌晨1点就开始工作了。 in the cold, windy night. 在
TED演讲之身体语言 别对我撒谎(15)
But at night when I close my eyes, I can see Christie reaching her hand out to me while I'm driving, and the blood just kept coming out of her mouth. 但是每当晚上我闭上双眼,我可以看见克里斯蒂向我伸出手,我一边开着车,血不停地从她口里冒出来。 And
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