TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(1)
So, I didn't always make my living from music. 我以前并不靠音乐谋生。 For about the five years after graduating from an upstanding liberal arts university, this was my day job. 自从我五年前从一所正派的文理学院毕业起,这是我白天的工作。 I wa
2012第40届AMA全美音乐奖Justin Bieber获奖感言
第40届美国音乐奖(American Music Awards)于美国时间11/18晚间在洛杉矶诺基亚剧院举行,人气偶像Justin Bieber一共抱回年度艺人、流行/摇滚类最受欢迎男歌手、流行/摇滚类最受欢迎专辑【Believe】等三座大奖,也发布了三段获奖感言。这是Justin Bieber在领取流行/摇滚类最受欢迎男歌手的获奖感言演讲及双语演讲稿。 1. Justin Bieber 201
每天读一点英文 之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 18 Carly Fiorina Remarks at Tsinghua University 惠普CEO卡莉·费奥瑞纳在清华大学的演讲 Beijing, China March 12, 2004 中国北京 2004年3月12日 Xie, xie. Xia wu hao. Those are the only two words of Ch
奥巴马每日发言Calling for Fiscal Discipline(2009-4-25)
Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address April 25, 2009 Good morning. Over the last three months, my Administration has taken aggressive action to confront an historic economic crisis
So the following episode happened the seventh week of my first semester of my first year at Yale Law School. 接下来这件事发生在我上耶鲁大学法学院的第一学期的第七周 Quoting from my writings: 从我的笔记中: "My two classmates, Rebe