This is my favorite memo ever. 这是我最喜欢的备忘录。 Here is our new cut of the South Park movie to submit to the MPAA. 这是我们向美国电影协会提交的《南方公园》电影最新剪辑版。 I wanted to tell you exactly what notes we did and did not ad
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And yet 16 guys with very high IQs and very decent people entered into that game. 我所不能理解的是,这16 个如此高智商的能人怎么就会玩这样一个游戏。 You know I think it is madness. 简直就是疯了。 It is produced by an overall reliance to sa
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President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Free Market Dem
June 11, 2007 2:57 P.M. (Local) THE PRESIDENT: Well, listen, thank you all for introducing yourselves. I want to thank you very much, Olga, for giving me a chance to visit with these students. First o