Hillary opened my eyes to a whole new world of public service by private citizens. 从此,希拉里让我看到了一个公共服务的全新世界。 In the summer of 1972, she went to Dothan, Alabama to visit one of those segregated academies
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and may confidently expect that the flag which has waved its untarnished folds over every sea will still float in undiminished honor. 并自信地期望那曾在每一海面上飘扬而不受沾污的旗帜仍将以未损的荣耀飘扬。 But these,like many other subj
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The revolution in education is happening in our schools, with adults who provide love, structure, support and knowledge. 教育的改革正在我们学校进行,有成年人为他们提供爱,精心组织的体系,支持还有知识。 These are the things that inspire chil