2021 SDcamps 全国英语演讲与辩论赛秋季赛 2021 美国藤校演讲与辩论赛中国选拔赛 线上赛|比赛时间:12/11-12 SDcamps英语演讲与辩论赛2021秋季赛将于12月11-12日举行。本次比赛同时也将对接美国藤校演讲与辩论赛多项赛事,作为我们合作的美国藤校演讲与辩论赛的中国选拔赛。 5月16日举行的西雅图大学辩论锦标赛,我们组织的参赛选手获得了本土组亚军、国际组冠亚军、多位优秀
I began my college experience just after my family had fallen apart. 我的大学生涯伊始,家庭就分崩离析。 Our financial situation disintegrated just after my father's departure from our lives. 随着父亲离我们而去,家里的经济状况急转直下。 Thi
May we not cherish this sentiment without presumption when we refect on the characters by which this war is distinguished? 难道只有在怀疑使得这场战争非同寻常的因素时,我们才能骄傲地将这份情感珍藏吗? It was not declared on the part of the
President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Democracy
September 25, 2007 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. This is a meeting of people who love liberty and who understand that freedom is universal. I appreciate the ability to share thoughts about
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