玛丽·罗宾逊,爱尔兰共和国第7任总统及联合国人权事务高级专员。Ted演讲称:气候变迁并不公平。 富裕国家有办法对抗上升的海平面及枯萎的农田,全球穷人却因为危险的暴风雨、饥荒及失去土地而颠沛流离,人权受威胁。 玛丽·罗宾逊要求我们参与全球气候正义行动。 Mary Robinson: Why climate change is a threat to human rights 玛丽·罗宾逊:为何气候变
TED演讲之感动重临 用班卓琴来建设中美关系(2)
I knew I had to take a banjo with me to China. 我这时候知道我肯定会带着班卓琴去中国了 So before going to law school in China, I bought a banjo, 在出发去中国的法学院之前,我买了个班卓琴, I threw it in my little red truck and I traveled down
President Bush announces nomination of Condoleezza 
President Bush announces nomination of Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State (November 16,2004) U.S. President George W. Bush listens to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice speak after Bush no
奥巴马演讲 关于中产阶级减税和失业保险4
Chuck Todd. Q Mr. President, what do you say to Democrats who say you’re rewarding Republican obstruction here? You yourself used in your opening statement they were unwilling to budge on this.
You are awesome. You have excelled Look at you. You looked like an amazing, giant choir 你们很棒 你们很优秀 看看你们 你们就像一个惊人的巨型合唱团 But from here on out, you have to switch gears You are no longer meeting and exce