TED演讲之神奇奥秘 奥利弗·萨克斯:幻觉背后的心智(1)
We see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well. And seeing with the brain is often called imagination. 我们用眼睛看世界,但我们也用大脑看。用大脑来看,也就是我们常说的想象。 And we are familiar with the landscapes of our own i
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When we think of games, there's all kinds of things. 当我们提起游戏时,脑海中会浮现很多回忆。 Maybe you're ticked off, or maybe you're looking forward to a new game. You've been up too late playing a game
As Congress returns to work, the President calls on them -- and all of us -- to debate our differences vigorously but to live up to the spirit of common cause we felt following the tragedy in Arizona.
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