英语演讲稿-01 Good morning, everybody! In this world, there is one thing that is very fair to everybody, whether you are a male or female, young or old, rich or poor. Does anybody know what it is calle
D' Arline, 亲爱的阿琳, I adore you, sweetheart. 我爱你,亲爱的。 I know how much you like to hear that—but I don't only write it because you like it—I write it because it makes me warm all over inside to write it
But part of the reason 但另一方面的原因 and that's the reason why we have ethical ground for pursuing these 即从人类的本质上看,它们也是很有价值的, is that they're also intrinsically valuable. 这也是为什么我们拥有追求这些特质的道德基础。 It&
People in other parts of the world in the factories of India and China 在世界其它地方 例如印度和中国的工厂 are facing the same problems and clamoring for the same kinds of improvement in their air 当地也面临着相同问题 也希望空气质量得到
名人演讲:J.K. Rowling2008年在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲part1
Nausea 1. 恶心,作呕;晕船 Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea. 怀孕初期常伴有恶心。 2. 极端的憎恶 She was filled with nausea at the sight of cruelty to animals. 她看到虐待动物满腔厌恶。 Commencement: 学位授予典礼;毕业典礼 Distinguish