奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:总统敦促国会必须行动起来 帮助教师们重返工作岗位
This week, I spent some time talking with college students about how we can make higher education more affordable. 本周,我花了一些时间和大学生谈论如何才能使高等教育更能负担得起。 And one of the things I told them was how proud I wa
It's crucial to realize that the rate of progress doesn't matter, because any progress is enough to get us into the end zone. 我们要知道这个进程的速度并不重要,因为任何进程都足够让我们走进死胡同。 We don't need Moore's law to continue.
Now when this works, it's because there are large institutions underwriting every 1 or 0 that changes on a computer. 这是因为有庞大的机构来保障电脑程序里1、0之间变化的可靠性。 And when it doesn't, it's often the fault of those l
奥巴马演讲 我们支持新利比亚政权1
Good morning. Mr. Secretary General, on behalf of us all, thank you for convening this meeting to address a task that must be the work of all of us -- supporting the people of Libya as they build a fu
I was delighted when I was asked to help open today's conference. 很高兴大家今天邀请我来为今天的会议活动开幕。 I want to start by saying a big thank you to all of the head teachers here today. I know how much is asked of y