每天读一点英文 之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 11 Baccalaureate Address to Class of 2008 迈向成功之路 哈佛第一任女校长在毕业典礼上的讲话 Inthe curious custom of this venerable institution, I find myselfstanding before you expected to impart words o
You really want to get the decision right if it's for all eternity, right? 当你进入极乐世界时,你一定希望你做出的决定是正确的,是吗? You don't want to pick the wrong mutual fund, or the wrong salad dressing. So that's one effect
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Elected by the American people to the highest office known to our laws, 被美国人民选上我们法律中最高职位, I appear here to take the oath prescribed by the Constiution, 我在这里按宪法的规定宣誓, and,in compliance with a time hono
November 5,2006 2006年11月5日 Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer and Congiusta: 亲爱的泽维尔中学,洛克伍德女士,还有佩林、麦克菲利、巴腾、莫勒、孔朱斯塔诸位: I thank you for your friendly let