President Bush Pleased by Passage of FISA Reform Legislation
THE PRESIDENT: Today the United States Congress passed a vital piece of legislation that will make it easier for this administration and future administrations to protect the American people. This vit
We want America to be the best place in the world to hire, grow, invest, and start a brand-new, beautiful business. 我们想让美国成为世界上雇用工人、发展壮大、投入资金以及成立崭新而出色公司的最棒的地方。 And that is why under our plan, we are c
Why a marriage contract and not any other reason for regular annual action? 为什么是一纸婚书而不是其他什么原因使普西芬妮定期往返呢? Here is one. Persephone wasn't released. 我且来举个例子:普西芬妮并没有被放走 She escaped, and returns every
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In just two weeks, we’ll come together, as a nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. We’ll remember the innocent lives we lost. We’ll stand with the families who loved them