THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Mr. Secretary, thank you for the kind introduction. Members of my Cabinet, members of the administration, Admiral Mullen, members of the United States Congress, Senator Warne
名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(13)
Yesterday, I had a beer at 11:30 in the morning. 昨天,我11:30的时候喝了杯啤酒。 And you know, McDonald's now serves breakfast all day long. 而且你知道的,麦当劳现在全天供应早餐。 And Michelle's going to be at spin class, so
航空公司总裁梅汤姆的爱子桑恩在一次科技展览会上被人绑架走。 歹徒向汤姆勒索200万美金并恐吓他不准与警方联系,于是汤姆开始了与歹徒周旋的过程,经过数次波折后,汤姆渐渐确信,即使他交了巨款,逝去人性的歹徒还是会杀了他的儿子肖恩。因此,他毅然改变计划,来到电台,向公众表明将把原先的200万赎金当作通缉罪犯的悬红并发誓不抓到歹徒决不罢休。下面是汤姆上电视进行公众演讲时的片段。 电影《Ransom 赎金》
TED演讲之神童 青少年探索进行时 (1)
Four years ago today, exactly, actually, I started a fashion blog called Style Rookie. 四年前的今天,恰巧是同一天,我开办了一个时尚博客,名叫菜鸟风尚(Style Rookie)。 Last September of 2011, I started an online magazine for teenage g
It's an important festival. It's the highlight of the year. New Year comes during winter. It's cold and chilly then. But our hearts are warm and cheerful. We follow old customs. We stick r