TED演讲之神奇奥秘 艾莉森·高普尼克:婴儿在想什么?(2)
So the question is: What would the baby give her, what they liked or what she liked? 但大家都想知道:宝宝会给她什么,是贝蒂喜欢的还是自己喜欢的? And the remarkable thing was that 18 month-old babies, just barely walking and talki
奥巴马英语演讲精选:向老兵致敬Veterans Should be Honored (英语演讲稿)
奥巴马演讲精选第十篇:Veterans Should be Honored 向老兵致敬,奥巴马的选举力量来自基层民众,但是美国总统同时也是三军总司令,所以争取得到军人的支持尤显重要。基于自己并没有在军队服过役,更没有对手麦凯恩的赫赫战功可以向世人炫耀,奥巴马利用美国国庆前夕向退伍军人表示敬意,这一方面是他真情的流露,另一方面也是选举的需要。尽管美国北达科他州历来是共和党的天下,即所谓的红州,但奥巴
We didn't get our authority from the board of selectmen 我们既没有得到行政委员会的授权 or the emergency management director or the United Way. 也没有被应急办主任或是Uited Way批准 We just started answering questions and makin
奥巴马讲话 为民众送上新年祝福
Merry Christmas everybody! Now, we're not going to take much of your time because today is about family and being together with the ones you love. And luckily for me, that means I get a little help on
TED演讲之说什么 短信是语言杀手?开玩笑吧!(5)
And so, for example, there is in texting a convention, which is LOL. 比如说,在短信里有这样一个习惯用语,就是LOL。 Now LOL, we generally think of as meaning "laughing out loud." 我们通常认为LOL的意思是“捧腹大笑”。 And of course, theoret