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President Bush Meets with 2008 Bassmaster Classic Champion and 2008 Women's Bass
March 25, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: I've got the fishing champs of this year. And, Judy, thanks for coming. She is from Many, Louisiana. She won the Women's Bassmaster. And Alton Jones from Waco, Texas, won
奥巴马演讲:"The Urgency of Getting This Right"
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I just concluded a meeting with members of my national security team, including those from our intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement agencies in
Last night, the President laid out the framework for a compromise that ensures no middle class family sees a tax increase, those looking for work keep their lifeline, and the economic recovery gets a
I had heard of it and in fact. 我听说过它而且实际上 I had even purchased several pairs of shoes while I was in high school and college He asked me if I would be interested in a job. 我甚至在高中和大学的时候 买过几双它的鞋子他问我 有没有