He remembers people saying, as he was sort of half-conscious, he remembers people saying, Steiner's been hit in the head. Steiner's dead. 他记得。在他处于半清醒状态时听到人们说:斯坦纳被射中了头部。斯坦纳死了。 And he was thinki
Fujifilm used its capabilities in chemistry, material science and optics to diversify into a number of areas, 富士胶片运用了自己在化学、材料科学和光学上的造诣,将自己的涉及领域多样化 ranging from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals, to medical
奥巴马演讲 关于绿色车队行动的讲话1
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Hello, everybody. Thank you so much. Everybody, please have a seat. I am thrilled to be here, proud to be joined here today by two of our outstanding Cabinet Secretaries, Ste
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