President Bush Visits National Naval Medical Center THE PRESIDENT: Admiral, thank you very much for leading an amazing group of men and women who provide such compassion and skill for those who have b
I'm going to talk to you about some stuff that's in this book of mine that I hope will resonate with other things you've already heard, 我想在这里谈谈我这本书里的部分内容,希望它和你们已经听到过的一些事物引起共鸣, and I'll try to make som
"The Joy of Voting" project isn't just about joy. It's about this passion. “选举的快乐”项目并不只是关于快乐。这是激情。 It's about feeling and belief, and it isn't just our organization's work. 也是感受和信仰,不是只有我们一个组织在工作。 All
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We need not just campaigning physicists, but we need biologists, computer experts and environmentalists as well. 我们不仅需要参加竞选的物理学家,还需要有生物学家,计算机专家和环境保护者们共同参与。 And I think academics and independent entrep