查尔斯王子获颁Londoner of the Decade称号并发表致辞
Ladies and gentlemen, I am most touched and, indeed, surprised, that the Evening Standard should have decided to give me the award of Londoner of the Decade. I have to confess I am not entirely sure w
Well, good afternoon everyone, and welcome to the White House. Yay! (Applause.) See, I always have to loosen you guys up. You’re in the White House, you’re a little stiff. (Laughter.) But let me just
And it turned out to be that for this group of 34 people, 结果显示,刚刚的34位年轻人, the algorithm based on semantic coherence could predict, 透过这个语义连贯性算法, with 100 percent accuracy, who developed psychosis and w
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