I gave this talk at Facebook not so long ago 在脸谱不久前我给 to about 100 employees, 大约100名员工做这个演讲。 and a couple hours later, there was a young woman who works there 几小时后,在脸谱工作的一个年轻女性 sitting outside my litt
Hence, the Mars watch. This weights in this watch have been mechanically adjusted so that it runs more slowly. Right? 这就是我的火星手表。这只手表的砝码用机械的方法调整过了,所以它走的相对慢一些。 And we didn't start out -- I got this watc
It's not We're all on the same plane. 并不像我们都在同一架飞机上 When we hit turbulence, it shakes us all We may not realize it but it does. When. 碰到紊流时 我们所有人都会摇晃我们可能没意识到 但事实确实如此 We have a hole in the fuselage, th
Jane McGonigal Ted演讲:能让你多出10年额外寿命的游戏
当游戏设计者Jane McGonigal发现他自己在卧床不起甚至想自杀之后明白了如何好起来。她开始钻进科学研究,并且创造出有治愈效果的游戏“非常棒”。在这个感人的演讲中,McGonigal 解释了一个游戏如何能够增强人们的适应力,并且还保证能为你的生命额度增加7.5分钟! Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra
名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(15)
What do they mean when they say that it's a choice? 当这些人说"同性恋是个选择"的时候,他们想表达什么? This is one of those places where the orientation-activity distinction actually comes in handy. 在这种情况下,&quo