And we are all bound together by the common bonds of love, loyalty, and affection that make our country into a wonderful home. 以爱为名,心怀诚意,我们彼此相连,互相怜惜,也正因如此,我们的国家辉煌灿烂。 Together, we give thanks for the l
Obama's Weekly AddressWEEKLY ADDRESS: America's Resurgence Is Real 奥巴马每周电视讲话:美国复苏步伐坚实 Hi, everybody. 大家好! About a year ago, I promised that 2014 would be a breakthrough year for America. 1年以前我曾向大家许下承诺
奥巴马讲话 祝福美国男足 庆祝独立日
Hi, everybody. I hope you're all having a great Fourth of July weekend. I want to begin today by saying a special word to the U.S. Men's Soccer Team, who represented America so well the past few weeks
President Bush Discusses Economy(Oct.14,2008)
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I just completed a meeting with my working group on financial markets. We discussed the unprecedented and aggressive steps the federal government is taking to address the
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