



Speech by Mr. Zhang Lizhong, Consul General of China in Kolkata at Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Development

28 May, 2011



On 28 May, 2011, Mr. Zhang Lizhong visited the Insitute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Development(ILEAD), a private owned management bussiness school in Kolkata, and delivered a speech on India-China relationship to the students and faculty members of the ILEAD. The full text of the speech is as follows:




Good Afternoon!

Mr. Chopra, Chairman of ILead and teachers and students of ILead.


It is a pleasant moment to be in ILead and just now I have the opportunity to tour around different sections of ILead. I am very much excited, very pleased to see that Mr. Chopra has put China-India in the management courses of ILead. I feel that Chinese element is decorated in every space of this building. That gives me lots of encouragement.


I have been to Kolkata for about half a year. After I came here, I have visited 5 states, which fall under the jurisdiction of the Consulate General. Every time I went to a new place, I always found some surprises out of my expectations. Today it is another surprise to me.


As you know, India and China are two great civilized nations, also two emerging economies. China has always viewed China-India relationship from a global and strategic viewpoint. Leaders of China and India have always maitained that China-India relationship has gone beyond simple bilateral relationship and has increasingly carried global and strategic significance. We have faced a very good momentum. That has been felt ever since I came to Kolkata. I have been much impressed by the enthusiasm for the promotion of the relationship between China and India. Last year when Premier Wen Jiabao paid a successful official visit to your great country, lots of consensus have been reached between us in trade, business opportunities which this school have been promoting. Many of the students after graduation would be involved in that area. Also consensus have been reached in education, culture and many other fields.


Last year, the trade volume has reached over USD 60 billion. That means, China becomes the biggest trading partner of India, and leaders of China and India decided to set up a new goal based on the trade potentiality between our two nations. The goal is USD 100 billion by 2015. Maybe a few years ago, it was difficult to imagine that our trade volume would go such high, but when I get in touch with people here, especially those doing business with China, I am confident that this new goal could be achieved. Indian Prime Minister Mamohan Singh also paid a visit in April to China when His Excellency attended the BRICS meeting in Sanya, Hainan Island in southern part of China. There are many important achievements made in that meeting between Chinese President Hu Jintao and Indian Prime Minister Mamohan Singh. With frequent exchanges of leadership between our two countries, the bilateral relationship is really warming up and making progress. The importance of our vital relationship is not only decided by the size of the population of both countries, or by the simple fact that China and India enjoys rapid development in the world as two emerging economies, but also decided by the depth of cooperation in all fields as trade and economic cooperation has become the solid foundation of our nations' relations. We expect greater, bigger trade opportunities in the future, and I must say your school has really caught the essence of that trend. I congratulate you that you have made a wise choice in that regard.


A few months ago, China formulated "The Twelfth Five Year Plan" for social and economical development of the future five years. I know that India also has five year plan. I will summarize some key points.


One key point is China will purposely lower down the target growth rate of GDP. As you know, India's GDP growth in the last fiscal year is around 8.3% to 8.5%. China's GDP grow is around 10.3%. For the last 5 years, we had set the goal of growth rate around 7.5%, but in the next 5 years, it is set as 7%. The idea is that, GDP, we believe, is important for the improvement of the livelihood of people, for the economic growth and for the job opportunities in developing countries. I think that is quite clear and China and India face the same challenges, providing more job opportunities, improving the livelihood of people and alleviating the poverty. China has made much progress in alleviating poverty population. India has also made great efforts in that regard. There are still large portion of population living under the poverty line according to the UN standard. But we increasingly came to realize that sole emphasis on GDP is not the best option for the development of the nation. We have been increasingly feeling the pressure from the natural resource and the environment. During the past rapid development in economy and society, we have seen the environment is deteriorating and there is phenomenon of over consumption of the natural resources and envrionment pollution. This phenomenon can not sustain, so we need to lower down the growth rate. Therefore, we put more emphasis on science, technology, innovation of the economic development. That's the basic idea behind purposely lowering down the development rate in China.


According to the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", China has also adopted a new economic development approach. In the past, Chinese economy relies heavily on export and government investment. Especially after 2008 Financial Crisis, China has successfully initiated the Economy Stimulus Package which has helped China avoid the influence of Global Financial Crisis, and maintain healthy and rapid development. India has also done successfully in that regard, taking rapid and sufficient actions to deal with the effects of the global financial crisis. But too much reliance on export and government investment is not sustainable in the future. Therefore, China wants to expand domestic consumption. In this regard, India has done a good job. In eastern part of India, though it lags behind than the rest of India for certain reasons, historical and other issues, domestic consumption plays a big role in economic development. We need to learn from India, to make the economy domestic consumption-driven one. According to some estimates, in the next 5 years, domestic demand in the consumption market of China will be largely expanded. The import and export volume of China last year is USD 3 trillion, and our GDP last year is USD 6 trillion, making China the second largest economy in the world. In the next 5 years, our trade volume of both import and export is expected to reach USD 8 trillion and investment on the environment and environment-friendly products will reach USD 3 trillion. That provides a lot of opportunities for China and India business.


China also puts much emphasis on developing new strategic industries. India is doing quite well in IT and service industry. We want to develop new strategic industries, like new materials, new energy, new energy-driven automobiles, IT, service, high end manufacturing equipment, bio-technologies. At present, China is doing quite well in new energy sector, like wind power, solar energy. These sectors are not based on labor intensive, but based on science, technology and innovation. In the meantime, we are going to increase the contribution of the new strategic industries to GDP to 8% in the next 5 years and raise that portion of GDP to 15% by 2020. These sectors imply many business opportunities as India does quite well in some of these industries, like IT and service sectors. In the meantime, we are going to upgrade traditional manufacturing industries, to bring in more elements of science and technology. In the long run, we are going to see grand economic structural reforms, to make the economy more sustainable, more environment-friendly and more green in the future.


These points of the "12th Five Year Plan" are not only significant for economic development in China, but also significant in terms of providing more jobs and business opportunities to China and other countries in the world, including our neighbour India.


Then I would like to say a few words about cultural and educational exchanges between India and China, which I think you will be interested in. After I came here, I do concentrate on some Rabindranath Tagore issues. For Chinese, we learnt Tagore poems in schooldays and like them very much. One poem collection is called Stray Birds. After I came here, I have encountered Rabindranath Tagore House. The Ministry of Culture of China has donated Rs. 5.36 million to help build a "Robindranath Tagore and China" Gallery in the Tagore House. We are in the preparation for that purpose.


When we talk about cultural and educational exchanges, which should play a bigger role in our future relationship, Rabindranath Tagore is what first came to my mind. That's our tradition, symbol of friendship between India and China. Rabindranath Tagore paid a grand visit to China in 1924. Many Indians may not know that because Tagore visited around 50 countries in the world and China is only one of the countries he visited in his lifetime. But Tagore's 1924 grand tour in China had significant impact on the generation of intellectuals in China, like famous painter Xu Beihong. Intellectuals in Beijing University even gave a Chinese name to Rabindranath Tagore. When Tagore returned to India, one Chinese person Mr. Tan Yunshan helped build the Chinese Institute in Santiniketan in the framework of Visva-Bharati University. Just one month ago, I paid a visit to that University and there are around 100 students involved in China study. They told me they were eager to have Chinese teachers. One and a half years ago, they had a Chinese teacher teaching Chinese, but now they have only Indian teachers. My impression is Indian teachers there can speak Madarian very well. They teach all kinds of courses in Chinese. They are looking forward to having one Chinese teacher probably from Yunnan Province. That Chinese institute has a unique role in promoting Chinese study in modern India and China-India relationship.


Besides Tagore, we Chinese always think of Buddhism. Faxian in 5th century and Xuanzang in 7th century came to Bihar area to learn Buddhism Scriptures and because of Xuanzang's vivid description of Nalanda University, British could restore the Nalanda University in 1910's. When I visited Bihar, people there were very enthusiastic to tell me stories about how Xuanzang studied in that area. So we think of Rabindranath Tagore, think of traditions of Buddihism exchanges. We cherish these traditions and I believe we can continue to work on these traditions. In the meantime, we need to input new energies into that relationship in new era. We cannot stop at what history has played and we should move forward in that relationship.


Nowadays many local people expressed interest in learning Chinese languages, not only to speak Chinese, learn more about Chinese culture, but also to prepare themselves for future careers. They seize the opportunities between China and India. Consulate General of China in Kolkata encourage that. There is a family-based Chinese School in Kolkata. It is small in size but it is trying hard to provide language-teaching to local students and the Consulate General in the past has helped them find 2 or 3 Chinese teachers from China to help students learn Chinese. This year in April, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) enlisted Chinese as one optional foreign language for students and China promised to help provide teaching materials and training of teachers.


This year is declared "Year of Exchange" between China and India and we are going to see more and more people-to-people exchanges. China has promised to host 500 Indian youths to China. I believe that investment in youth is good investment on our future relationship. We would like to see more Indians come to China and more Chinese come to India. We must admit there is some mistrust between our two nations because of historical issues. There are also misconceptions, lots of people in China do not know much about India, just like in India, lots of people do not know much about China. Lots of memories remain in the past, Rabindranath Tagore, Buddhism, Xuanzang. That's why I call for educational institutions to play a bigger role in the future, to raise awareness of both countries. Let Indian students know more about China and let Chinese students know more about India, to encourage more flux of people come back and forth.

去年,约有54.9万印度人访问中国,约有9.9万中国人访问印度。这是不平衡的。中印两国是最大的发展中国家,有理由相信应有更多的人员交流。与两国的人口相比,现在的访问人数太少。我们需要更多的人员交流。现在,加尔各答和昆明之间有直航,再过一个月,加尔各答和中国改革开放的窗口城市 — 广东的深圳之间有望开通直航。这将更加便利两国人员往来,增加两国的理解。

Last year around 549,000 Indians travelled to China and around 99,000 Chinese travelled to India. It is not balanced. As China and India are the biggest developing countries with the largest population, I firmly believe that we should have more people-to-people exchanges between us. Compared to the large size of our population, the current visits by both countries are too small. We absolutely need to see more and more people-to-people exchanges. There is a direct flight between Kolkata and Kunming, and maybe in another month, there will be another direct flight from Kolkata to Shenzhen, which is a pioneer city in China's Reform process and is in Guangdong Province. The new direct flight will be launched in the near future and will facilitate more movement of people, more mutual visits and help to improve the understanding of our two great nations.


Having said that, once again I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for providing this opportunities, organizing so many students and teachers here to share some ideas on China-India relationship and business and economic cooperation opportunities.


Thank you very much!