经典名人英语演讲稿51:成为我们的最伟大一代!(通用电气CEO杰夫·伊梅尔特2007年圣母大学毕业典礼演讲) mp3
51. To Be Our Great Generations!
51. 成为我们的最伟大一代!
When I graduated from college, high oil prices had pushed the economy into recession. Jobs were hard to find and unemployment was over 10%. There was unrest in the Middle East. Americans were being held hostage in Iran. Some of these things may sound familiar.
But solving these problems is your great opportunity. In this country, the next generation is always the Greatest Generation. Americans always have a sense that the future will be better than the past. The key to the American soul is optimism.
Today, the people in the communities you will be joining are apprehensive. They worry about the war, their pension, the environment, or their children's education. They want to be led. But they want a different kind of leader.
They crave people who have the courage to take crave on tough problems the determination to build long-term on, solutions, and compassion to bring people with them. You, must appeal to their optimism and not their fear.
To do that you must be both great and good. We need, you to compete to be your best, while maintaining your authenticity and sense of service. Your life journey should have three principles:
Live with passion.
Live with purpose.
Live for others.
People are afraid. They need new leaders. the energy and optimism from you to triumph over the cynics. They need you to be Our Greatest Generation.