I have been asked to speak to you about leadership and the qualities that leaders will need in the 21st century to bring about positive change in the world about them. I would like to approach my topic through the prism of eight remarkable individuals, each of whom has demonstrated qualities that both men and women need in order to be successful and to motivate others to excel as well. None of these qualities can be developed overnight, nor do all of us possess them in equal measure, but they exist in everyone, and if you doubt the truth of this in your case,just dig a little deeper.
今天我受邀谈谈领导力以及领导者在21世纪要给周边世界带来积极变化所必须 具备的品质。我想通过一些优秀的个人实例来阐述这个话题,因为他们身上折射出 来的品质是每个男性和女性立志获得成功或是激励他人不断超越所必需的品质。培 养出这些品质并非一夜之功,每个人所体现出的此类素质的程度也参差不齐,但是 他们存在于每个人的身体里。如果你觉得自己不具备,那么就再深度挖掘一下。
What then are these qualities? First and foremost, a leader needs to have a strong sense of purpose—a passion if you will—and a vision of where she wants to go. I am reminded here of the founder of the modern dance movement in America, Martha Graham. Graham changed the history of 20th-century American dance and choreography and influenced the work of countless artists in other fields, from actors to composers to set designers. In the course of her long and tempestuous life, Graham came to embody modern , dance because of the extraordinary passion she brought to her craft. Her father frowned on professional dancers, and it was not until the age of 17 that she witnessed a dance performance, and it was not until the age of 22 that she enrolled in her first class. Between 1916 and her first great success, American Document, in 1938, Graham endured poverty, scorn, and disappointment,and even at the height of her popularity, she struggled with depression and alcoholism. Undeterred by a lack of patronage, she became her own choreographer, pushing the boundaries of dance and developing a distinctive style of movement. Critics called her work “macabre” and “sexless",but still she persevered until, according to dance historian Maureen Needham, “she moved from being considered ’a dangerous revolutionary5 to a model for ‘orthodox ballerinas and choreographers in search of new ideas?,” As Needham points out, “For almost all of her life she had repeated as her personal mantra, ‘I am a dancer?” Her journey from oddity to icon was often challenging, demanding a level of commitment and conviction that many fail to muster. True leadership requires an abundance of both.
那么这些品质是什么呢?首先,一个领导者需要很强的目的性,以及对自己目 的地的展望,如果你说成是激情也是可以的。在这里,我想起来美国现代舞运动的奠基人,马萨格雷厄姆。她改写了20世纪美国舞蹈和编舞的历史,也影响了其他领 域不计其数的艺术家,包括演员、作曲家和设计师。在她漫长而动荡的一生中,她 将无与伦比的激情投人到这门技艺中,因而成为了现代舞的象征。由于马萨的父亲 对职业舞蹈家的反感,致使她17岁时才观看了第一场舞蹈表演,22岁才开始了她的 第一堂舞蹈课。在1916年到1938年间,也就是她因作品“美国档案”首度获得成功 之前,她忍受着贫穷、嘲讽和无尽的的失望。即使是她声名鹊起之时,也仍然在与 忧郁和酗酒作斗争。虽然缺乏赞助,她就自己担任编舞,拓宽了舞蹈艺术的疆界得 同时,创造出一套独特的动作风格。批评家们称其作品“恐怖” “没有性特征”, 她依然坚持自我,直到后来,舞蹈史家莫林尼德姆指出,“她从人们心中的‘危险 的革命分子’转变成了 ‘探索新观念的正统芭蕾舞及编舞’的典范。”正如尼德姆 所说的,“在她生命的大部分时候,她都在重复着她的个人咒语——‘我是一个舞者’。”她一路走来,由怪人变成偶像,这个过程充满挑战,这需要坚定的献身精神 和信念,这往往也是常人不能具备的,但是真正的领导力必须二者兼备。
A strong sense of purpose is not sufficient, however, for a leader needs to be able to inspire others to adopt her vision. She also needs the power of persuasion. In my lifetime, Barbara Jordan epitomized someone who had the extraordinary combination of inspiration to change her world and the eloquence to inspire others to do the same. Raised in the segregated South, she became the first African-American woman to sit in the Texas Senate and the first from a Southern state to sit in the US House of Representatives. Not only did she embody the American dream as she overcame centuries of racial and sexual inequality, she articulated that dream in a way that resonated across America. No one who was alive in 1974 during President Nixon’s impeachment proceedings will forget her exhortation to the nation to respect the Constitution of the United States, a constitution that did not include her ancestors when it was written. Yet it was her eloquent and temperate voice that allowed the House Judiciary Committee to arrive at a bipartisan decision in one of the most difficult and potentially divisive moments in the country’s history. And whether she was championing the rule of law or exhorting Americans to pursue the common good instead of selfish interests, she held our nation’s feet to the fire of its ideals. As President Clinton put it at her funeral in 1996,“Through the sheer force of the truth she spoke, the poetry of her words, and the power of her voice, Barbara always stirred our national conscience.... When Barbara Jordan talked, we listened.”
但是,只有很强的目的性还是不够的,领导者不仅要能够感染他人,还要能 够让他人接受自己的主张,因此他还需要说服力。在我的一生所认识的人中,芭芭 拉约旦就是这两者结合起来的典范,她把改造世界的灵感与感染他人的雄辩力完美 地结合起来。成长于种族隔离的南方,她成了得克萨斯州首位非裔美国女性议员, 以及美国众议院第一位来自南方州的代表。她克服几个世纪以来的种族歧视和性别 不平等的实际行动体现了美国梦的实现,她阐述美国梦的方式更在整个美洲产生了 共鸣。任何经历了 1974年弹劾尼克松总统事件的美国人将不会忘记她规劝全国人民 要尊重美国宪法,尽管这部宪法在订制之初没有考虑到她的黑人祖先,然而正是她 雄辩的口才和温和的声音,使得众议院司法委员会在这个国家历史上最困难、最可 能出现分裂的时期作出了两党一致的裁决^无论她在支持法治,还是在规劝美国人 放弃私利、追求公益,她都点燃了整个国家理想的火焰,让我们感受到了理想的温暖。正如克林顿总统于1996年在她的葬礼上所说的:“通过她口中饱含力量的真 理,饱含力量的声音和诗般优美的语言,芭芭拉总是在激荡着我们的良知_芭芭 拉一讲话,全世界都会聆I,,
Leaders are fallible, just like everyone else, and make mistakes. But it is critical that a leader be able to learn from her mistakes and make mid-course corrections. This is a quality I admire in Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former First Lady of the United States and currently New York’s junior senator. A successful lawyer and persuasive advocate for children’s and women’s rights, Clinton was eager to assume a policymaking role when her husband was elected president. In 1993, he asked her to head a task force on healthcare reform with the ambitious goal of creating a universal healthcare system. Unfortunately, political inexperience,including a failure to work effectively with Congressional leaders,coupled with a variety of other factors, doomed this initiative. “Hillarycare" as her plan was dubbed, did not even come to a vote. This very public failure could have completely ended her political career. But I believe that time has shown that Clinton was able to recognize and then learn from that mistake, and she has since become a highly regarded member of the US Senate, earning respect from both sides of the aisle by treating her colleagues with deference and reaching out to her opponents at a time when bipartisanship is an endangered species. And in New York,she has cultivated upstate voters, rather than gravitating to politically congenial New York City, by listening to their concerns and taking them seriously. Slowly but surely, she has persuaded critics~and she has many—to look at her in a different light and, in many cases, to work with her. As The Atlantic noted in a recent article, “One of Clinton’s most enthusiastic and least likely fans is Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who, when he was still a congressman, served as one of the most energetic managers of her husband’s impeachment.” Leadership is more than presenting a vision and serving as its champion. Leadership is about building bridges, and Clinton’s success in the Senate, which has surprised so many, bears witness to the importance of this art.
和常人一样,领导人也是会犯错误的。但重要的是领导人要能从中吸取教训 并改正错误。这正是前美国第一夫人、现任纽约州新参议员希拉里克林顿身上让 我颇为欣赏的一点。作为一名成功的律师以及倡导妇女和儿童权利的雄辩人士,希 拉里在其丈夫担任美国总统后,热切地希望能够参与政策的制定。1993年,克林顿 要求她带领一个医疗改革任务小组,其宏伟目标是建立一个覆盖面广阔的医疗卫生 体系。遗憾的是,由于缺乏政治经验,无法与国会领导人进行有效合作以及其他诸 多因素,这个被人戏称“希拉里医改”的计划甚至没有付诸表决,就以失败告终。 这次众人皆知的失败本来可能会导致她政治生涯的终结。但是我相信,时间已经证 明,希拉里能够认识到错误并从中吸取教训。自那以后,她成为了美国参议院被高 度认可的参议员。由于她尊重同事,在两党鲜有合作的时候向对方伸出了友好的双 手,此举贏得双方对她的尊重。在纽约州,她没有一味亲睐政治上一致的纽约市,而是通过倾听他们的忧虑并认真对待这些问题,与州北部选民建立起了深厚的友 谊。渐渐地但也是必然地,她改变了众多批评家对她的看法,并使他们在很多场合 与她合作。正如《大西洋月刊》在最近一篇文章中所说的,“林赛格林厄姆参议 员,这位来自南卡罗来纳州的共和党人,曾在他还是国会议员期间便大力组织弹劾 了她的丈夫,现在却成了希拉里最热忱也是最不可思议的拥护者之一。”领导力不 仅仅是展望未来并捍卫这一展望,它还包括架起沟通的桥梁。希拉里在参议院的成 功使许多人十分琼讶,这充分说明了这一艺术的重要性。
The final quality of leadership that I would like to is one of the most important~ you need courage—the courage of your convictions, the courage to withstand public criticism, the courage to stand for what is right even in the face of physical threat. Aung San Suu Kyi [Awn San Soo Chee] gives new meaning to the word courage. Born in Burma in 1945,she never knew her father—an architect of Burmese independence who was assassinated when she was two. Suu Kyi spent much of her life abroad before returning to her homeland in 1988 to care for her ailing mother. Her visit coincided with popular protests against Burma’s repressive military government, which responded by declaring martial law. Resolving to speak out, Suu Kyi sent an open letter to the government calling for multi-party elections and a cessation of violence on all sides. Shortly afterwards, she helped to form the National League for Democracy and, defying Burma’s rulers, campaigned for peaceful change throughout the country.
我想要强调的关于领导力的最后一个、也是非常重要的品质就是勇气。作为领 导者,你需要勇气,有勇气去坚守你的信念,有勇气去承受公众的批评,有勇气在 生命遭受威胁时为真理挺身而出。昂山素姬赋予了勇气一词新的意义。她于1945年 出生于緬甸,她从没见过自己的父亲,因为她的父亲作为缅甸独立运动的发动者在 她两岁时遭到暗杀。昂山素姬生命的大部分时光是在国外度过的,直到1988年才回 国照顾病重的母亲。她回国时正赶上大众抗议缅甸专制军政府,政府宣布戒严。昂山素姬下定了决心要挺身而出进行抗议。她给政府写了封公开信,呼吁各方停止暴 力进行多党选举。之后不久,她帮助组建了 “全国民主联盟”,她为了反抗緬甸统 治者主张在全国实行和平变革。
In 1989,she was placed under house arrest, but the League still succeeded in winning more than 80 percent of the seats in Burma’s national assembly. The military refused to accept this outcome and despite international condemnation, has failed to relinquish its grip on power. Knowing that she would never be allowed to return to Burma if she were to leave the country, Suu Kyi has chosen incarceration and persecution over freedom. Separated from her family, she has spent much of the past 17 years under house arrest and remains imprisoned to this day.
1989年她被软禁在家中,尽管如此,全国民主联盟还是赢得了缅甸国民大会80% 以上的席位。但是军政府拒绝接受这个结果,他们至国际谴责于不顾,没有放开手 中的权力。军政府知道一旦他们离开緬甸,便再也不能回来。昂山素姬选择了被拘 押和被迫害,她放弃了自由,被迫与家人分离。在过去的17年里她一直遭受软禁, 直到现在仍未获得自由。
“To live the full life,” she once declared, “one must have the courage to bear the responsibility of the needs of others”,and she has personified this belief by sharing the hardships of the Burmese people. In a famous essay, entitled Freedom from Fear, she reflected on the nature of courage, writing: “Fearlessness may be a gift but perhaps more precious is the courage acquired through endeavour, courage that comes from cultivating the habit of refusing to let fear dictate one’s actions, courage that could be described as 5grace under pressure,—grace which is renewed repeatedly in the face of harsh, unremitting pressure. In 1991, this gentle but courageous woman was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which her sons accepted on her behalf.
她曾经说过,“要使生活充实而有意义,人必须有勇气承担起能满足他人需 求的责任。”她为缅甸人民分担痛苦,践行了这一信念。在一篇题为《来自恐惧 中的自由》的著名文章中她写到:“无畏可能是一种天赋,但勇气更珍贵,它通过 努力而得,它来自于培养自己拒绝接受恐惧支配,它可以被描述为‘压力下的风 度’。”这种风度面对无穷而持续的压力不断升华。1991年,这位温和而不是失勇气的女性被授予了诺贝尔和平奖,由她的儿子代为领奖。
Now it will probably not have escaped your notice that I chose only women to illustrate those qualities of leadership. Of course, I could just as easily have substituted George Balanchine for Martha Graham, or Mario Cuomo for Barbara Jordan, or Dr. Martin Luther King, for Aung San sun Kyi, and so on. I chose this group of remarkable women because of the persistent inclination in our society—and many others for that matter—to imagine a man when the word “leader” is spoken. In this month when the Episcopal Academy is celebrating coeducation and reflecting on the meaning of leadership, I thought it might be helpful to have firmly implanted in everyone’s minds the images of women leaders, and to recall the enormous impact they have had on our world.
现在你们可能已经注意到,为了阐述领导力,我引用的全是女性的例子。当 然,我可以轻而易举地用乔治巴兰钦来代替马萨格雷厄姆,用马里奥郭默代替芭 芭拉约旦,用马丁路德金来代替昂山素姬,我之所以所选择这些优秀的女性,是 因为我们的社会总是有一种倾向,一提到“领导人”,脑子里浮现的都是男性的形 象。我这样做当然还有其他一些原因。这个月正值主教大学庆祝男女同校以及思考 领导艺术的含义的时候,我想,在每个人脑海中深深植入女性领导人的形象,并回 顾她们对世界产生的巨大影响是大有裨益的。
Thank you for the invitation to participate in this event, and for your kind attention,