当地时间13日,威廉王子夫妇抵达马来西亚首都吉隆坡访问,随即到首相府与马来西亚首相纳吉共进午餐,之后前往吉隆坡一间儿童疗养院进行探访活动。凯特王妃向职员和病人致词,这也是她首次在海外发表演说。 报道称,由于凯特王妃在马来西亚行程中,将首次在海外发表讲话,因此备受媒体瞩目。她和威廉到马来西亚善终协会(Hospis Malaysia)探访,在现场向职员和病人发表讲话。凯特王妃与马来西亚王后在晚宴聊天时坦言,自己在演讲前确实很紧张。同时也表示自己在演讲中没有任何的磕绊,感到“很开心”。 凯特王妃对马来西亚王后称:“我特别紧张,演讲结束了我太高兴了。现场的气氛非常好。”
Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your kind words and such a warm welcome.
William and I are hugely excited to be in Malaysia – this, our first ever visit - and are absolutely delighted to have been invited to join you all here at Hospis Malaysia.
It is so exciting to learn about the Country’s very first paediatric palliative care programme and to witness for myself something of the wonderful work of Hospis Malaysia’s superb staff.
As Patron of East Anglia Children’s Hospice, a UK based charity, I am thrilled to hear that you have been working with Hospis Malaysia, and that you plan to collaborate as you roll out this new programme.
Through this Patronage, I have learnt that delivering the best possible palliative care to children is vital. Providing children and their families with a place of support, care and enhancement at a time of great need is simply life changing. With effective palliative care lives can be transformed. Treatment, support, care and advice can provide a lifeline to families at a time of great need.
This is a very special place and so much is already being achieved. It has been wonderful meeting the patients, families and all the staff here - you have given us the most wonderful welcome.
Thank you again for inviting us here - and all the very best to this exciting new initiative!