影响世界的伟大演讲48 奥巴马:别了,伊拉克

Good evening. Tonight, I’d like to talk to you about the end of our combat mission in Iraq, the ongoing security challenges we face, and the need to rebuild our nation here at home.

大家晚上好,今晚我想和你们谈谈关于结束在伊拉克作战的任务,以及目前我 们所面临的安全挑战和重建国家经济的必要。

I know this historic moment comes at a time of great uncertainty for many Americans. We have now been through nearly a decade of war. We have endured a long and painful recession. And sometimes in the midst of these storms, the future that we are trying to build for our nation—a future of lasting peace and long-term prosperity may seem beyond our reach.

我知道,对于许多美国人来说,这一历史性时刻的到来仍有不确定性。现在, 我们经历了一场近十年的战争。我们经历了漫长而痛苦的经济衰退。有时在这些风暴之中,我们正在努力建设的国家未来---------个有着持久和平、长期繁荣的梦想,似乎变得遥遥无期。

But this milestone should serve as a reminder to all Americans that the future is ours to shape if we move forward with confidence and commitment. It should also serve as a message to the world that the United States of America intends to sustain and strengthen our leadership in this young century.

但是这个具有里程碑意义的重要事情应该提醒所有美国人,如果我们满怀信 心,秉持坚定不移的信念奋勇向前,未来就会由我们来塑造。它也在向全世界传达一个信息:在新世纪,美国想要继续维持和加强其领导力。

From this desk,seven and a half years ago, President Bush announced the beginning of military operations in Iraq. Much has changed since that night. A war to disarm a state became a fight against an insurgency. Terrorism and sectarian warfare threatened to tear Iraq apart. Thousands of Americans gave their lives; tens of thousands have been wounded. Our relations abroad were strained. Our unity at home was tested.

七年半以前,在这张办公桌前,布什总统的宣告拉开了伊拉克战争的序幕。自 从那晚开始,很多事情发生了改变。一场解除国家武装的战争变成了镇压叛乱的战 斗。恐怖主义和宗教冲突威胁着伊拉克,使其陷入分崩离析的危险之中;成千上万 的美国人受伤,甚至为此付出了生命;我们与外国的关系变得一度紧张,我们在国 内的团结也受到了考验。

These are the rough waters encountered during the course of one of America’s longest wars. Yet there has been one constant amidst those shifting tides. At every turn, America’s men and women in uniform have served with courage and resolve. As Commander-in-Chief, I am proud of their service. Like all Americans, I am awed by their sacrifice, and by the sacrifices of their families.

伊拉克战争是美国经历的持续时间最长的战争之一,而这些都是我们在此期间 遭遇到的风浪。但是,在这些不时变换的浪潮中却有一种力量保持不变。他们就是 美国的军队。在每一个转折的关头,不论是男兵还是女兵,美国的军人们都满怀勇 气和信念为国效力。作为总司令,我为他们的付出感到骄傲。像所有美国人一样, 我对他们及其家庭作出的牺牲感到十分敬畏。

The Americans who have served in Iraq completed every mission they were given. They defeated a regime that had terrorized its people. Together with Iraqis and coalition partners who made huge sacrifices of their own,our troops fought block by block to help Iraq seize the chance for a better future. They shifted tactics to protect the Iraqi people; trained Iraqi Security Forces; and took out terrorist leaders. Because of our troops and civilians -and because of the resilience of the Iraqi people—Iraq has the opportunity to embrace a new destiny, even though many challenges remain.

在伊拉克服役的美国军人完成了分配给他们的每一项使命。他们推翻了一个实 行恐怖统治的政权。我们的军队与伊拉克人和其他作出巨大牺牲的盟友一起,逐街逐巷地进行作战,帮助伊拉克抓住机会,争取更美好的未来;他们为了保护伊拉克 人民改变了战术,为伊拉克安全部队提供训练,铲除了一个个恐怖主义头目。由于 我们的军队和公民,由于伊拉克人民的坚忍不拔的毅力,伊拉克获得了拥抱薪新命 运的机会,即便他们依旧面临着诸多挑战。

So tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over,and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country.

因此今晚,我宣布美国在伊拉克的战斗任务结束。伊拉克自由行动结束了,伊 拉克人民现在必须承担起维护自己国家安全的重担。

This was my pledge to the American people as a candidate for this office. Ending this war is not only in Iraq’s interest- it is in our own. The United States has paid a huge price to put the future of Iraq in the hands of its people. We have sent our young men and women to make enormous sacrifices in Iraq, and spent vast resources abroad at a time of tight budgets at home. We have persevered because of a belief we share with the Iraqi people -a belief that out of the ashes of war, a new beginning could be born in this cradle of civilization. Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility. Now, it is time to turn the page.

这是我身为总统候选人时向美国人民作出的承诺。结束这场战争不仅仅是出 于伊拉克的利益,同样也是为了美国的利益。为了使伊拉克的未来掌握在其人民 手中,美国付出了巨大的代价。我们把我国男女青年送往伊拉克,作出了巨大的牺 牲,在国内预算紧缩的情况下往伊拉克投人了大量的资源。因为我们与伊拉克人民 拥有共同的信念,相信战争的硝烟过后,这个文明的摇篮一定会有一个新的开端。 在美国和伊拉克这一非凡的历史篇章中,我们履行了我们的职责,现在该是翻过这 一页的时候了。

Our most urgent task is to restore our economy, and put the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs back to work. To strengthen our middle class, we must give all our children the education they deserve, and all our workers the skills that they need to compete in a global economy. We must jumpstart industries that create jobs, and end our dependence on foreign oil. We must unleash the innovation that allows new products to roll off our assembly lines, and nurture the ideas that spring from our entrepreneurs. This will be difficult. But in the days to come, it must be our central mission as a people, and my central responsibility as President.

我们现在面临的最紧迫任务就是恢复国内经帮助数百万失业美国人重返工作岗位。为了壮大我们的中产阶级,我们必须让孩子们享受他们应该得到的教育, 让我们的工人拥有足以在全球经济中竞争的技能。我们必须推动能够创造工作机会 的行业,结束对国外石油的依赖;我们必须鼓励革新,使新产品尽快投人生产,并 且培养企业家的创新意识。这将是很困难的,不过在未来的日子里,这将是我们民 族的中心任务,也是我身为总统的主要责任。

Part of that responsibility is making sure that we honor our commitments to those who have served our country with such valor. As long as I am President, we will maintain the finest fighting force that the world has ever known, and do whatever it takes to serve our veterans as well as they have served us.

我的部分责任是确保那些为国家英勇服役的军人获得应得的荣誉。只要我还是 美国总统,我将竭力维护这支世界上最出色的战斗部队,像他们为我们服务那样, 不惜一切代价为他们提供服务。

Those Americans gave their lives for the values that have lived in the hearts of our people for over two centuries. Along with nearly 1.5 million Americans who have served in Iraq, they fought in a faraway place for people they never knew. They stared into the darkest of human creations -war -and helped the Iraqi people seek the light of peace.

这些美国人为了两个多世纪以来我国人民刻骨铭心的价值观献出了自己的生 命。同在伊拉克服役的150万美国人一道,在遥远的地方为了素不相识的人而奋战, 他们凝视着人类创造中最黑暗的一面——战争,帮助伊拉克人寻求和平之光。

In an age without surrender ceremonies, we must earn victory through the success of our partners and the strength of our own nation. Every American who serves joins an unbroken line of heroes that stretches from Lexington to Gettysburg; from Iwo Jima to Inchon; from Khe Sanh to Kandahar~Americans who have fought to see that the lives of our children are better than our own. Our troops are the steel in our ship of state. And though our nation may be travelling through rough waters, they give us confidence that our course is true, and that beyond the pre-dawn darkness, better days lie ahead.

在没有投降仪式的时代里,我们必须通过我们的伙伴以及我们自己国家的力量 赢得胜利。每一个服役的美国人都加人了英雄战线,从列克星敦到葛底斯堡,从硫磺岛到仁川,从越南溪山到阿富汗的坎大哈,每个美国人都在为看到“孩子的生活 比我们更好”而奋斗。军队是我们这个国家的钢铁护卫。虽然我们的国家或许正身 处汹涌的波涛之中,但他们使我们确信航线是正确的,突破黎明前的黑暗后,前方 必定是更美好的日子。

Thank you. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America, and all who serve her.
