
Distinguished gusts, faculty, families, friends, and members of the graduating class:


Welcome,all of you, to the Yale Law School’s 2008 commencement exercises.


Thank you. We gather here this afternoon to celebrate an institution, to graduate a class, and to renew a solemn commitment. The institution is the Yale Law School, the calss is the remarkable Class of 2008,the commitment is to a tradition of humanity and excellence in the study of law that dates back several centuries.

谢谢大家。今天下午我们齐聚于此来祝贺一所学院,来见证一批学生的顺利毕 业,并开始一个庄严的使命。这所学院就是耶鲁大学法学院,这批学生就是2008级 的优秀毕业生们,这个使命就是传承几个世纪以来在法学学习过程中的仁爱精神和 卓越传统。

This ceremony reaffirms that they did not do it alone. Behind each person who graduates today, there is an inspiring story of family and friends: of parents who sacrificed, who worked jointly or separately to ensure their child’s education. Of grandparents, uncles and aunts who watched over you when your parents could not; of brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends who answered your calls and instant messages; of children who somehow recognized how important law school was for you; of spouses and loved ones who commuted, worked second jobs, or put their own careers on hold so that you could make the most of this opportunity.

毕业典礼重申了一个这样的道理:他们能取得今天的成就并不仅仅是个人的 功劳。这里的每位毕业生身后,都有一个令人鼓舞的关于家人和朋友的故事:倾心 奉献的父母,他们共同或独自奋斗,只为保障自己孩子的教育。祖父母和叔叔阿姨们,在父母不能照看你们时,肩负起父母的责任;兄弟姐妹、表兄妹和朋友们接听 并回复你的电话和即时信息;孩子们认识到法学院对你有多重要;配偶或爱人为了 你努力学习,甚至做两份工作,或者是暂缓自己的职业发展来帮助你充分利用此次 机会。

I once asked my own father, as he sat writing out one of my tuition checks, whether he regretted paying out so much tuition. He said simply: “Why do we work? Why do we live? We have nothing to give you but love and education, but by giving you that, don’t we give you everything?” We on the faculty and staff have taught you these last few years, but we know that among us today are the people who gave you everything. So would the families and friends of the Class of 2008 rise so that all of us can honor you? To the parents here today, let me say, as you watch your graduates end their schooling,how can you not think back to the first day that you took them to school? Back them, who could have dreamed that this day would ever come?

曾经有一次,我父亲坐在那填写我的学费支票时我问他,他是否后悔花这么 多钱来交学费。他简单地回答道:“为什么我们要工作?为什么我们要活着?我们 能够给予你的只有爱和教育,但是给你爱和教育不就是给了你所有吗? ”在过去的 几年里,我们的教职员工传授给了你们知识,但是我知道今天坐在我们中间的是那 些给予了你们一切的人。所以2008级毕业生的家人和朋友们,请你们起立,让所有 的人表达对你们的敬意。对于今天在场的父母而言,请允许我说,当你们看着自己 的孩子们即将完成学业毕业,你又怎能会不想起第一天带他们来学校的情景呢?当 时,谁曾想过这一天的到来呢?

And back then, did we really think time would fly so fast? I know exactly how you feel, especially today, because, in just a few moments, my own daughter is graduating too, from Yale’s Jonathan Edwards College, which is holding its graduation across Beinecke Plaza. And so, in a moment, I must leave for her graduation and turn these ceremonies over to my friend and colleague, Deputy Dean Jon Macey. But I cannot just leave without telling you something from the heart. You were admitted in my first year as dean. You started while Hurricane Katrina raged. We hiked sleeping Giant together-twice. And in between, we have spent many hours together, both in and out of class.

当时,我们真的觉得时间会如此飞逝吗?我很了解你们的感受。尤其是今天, 因为一会儿,我自己的女儿也将从耶鲁大学乔纳森爱德华兹学院毕业,他们的毕业典礼在贝尼克广场举行。因此再过一会儿,我就要离开这儿去参加她的毕业典礼, 我会将典礼交给我的朋友和同事约翰梅西副院长。但是离开之前我必须向你们说一 说我的心里话。你们在我担任院长的第一年里来到了耶鲁。在“卡特里娜”肆虐时 巳经开始了学习。我们曾两次一起攀越了沉睡的巨人卡梅尔山。在此期间,不管是 在课上还是课外,我们共度了很多美好的时光。

In the last three years, you ran conferences on rebellious lawyering, Acccess to Knowledge, Ms.JD, Graduate Works in Progress,and the New Haven School of International Law. You wrote your SAWs and your substantial papers, you ran journals and Small Group Olympics, and you founded the Workers Rights and Immigration Clinic,the Supreme Court Clinic, clinics on Education Adequacy and Domestic Violence and the San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Project. You persuaded Yale to divest from Sudan and Allied Universities to seek essential medicines for AIDs victims. You applied for jobs and clerkships, you competed in Moot Court and Barristers Union and you celebrated 40 nights. At a time when politics in America had lost its civility, your American Constitution Society and federalist society chapters co-sponsored events together, and at the Law Revue, you made hilarious fun of your faculty and your Dean. While all this transpired, some of you lost loved ones, got married, and gave birth to children. And today, here

you all are, together again one last time. So class of 2008,look to your left,look to your right, and you see what Yale Law School is, and must always be: a community of remarkable individuals, committed to excellence and humanity in everything you do. You have kept this place a community of commitment: commitment to the highest excellence in our work as lawyers and scholars, to the greatest humanity in our dealing with others, and to the pursuit of careers not of selfishness, but of service. In this place, you have competed with one another-very hard-and supported one another-very well. You have confronted one another and comforted one another. And when all is said and done, you leave behind a far better law school, a better Yale, and a better New Haven than the ones you found three years ago.

在过去的三年里,你们举行了很多次,比如说,“先锋律师年会”、“开放 知识获取”、“法学女博士社区”、“毕业生项目”以及开拓“纽黑文国际法学院 工程”方面的研讨会。你们撰写了很多论文,也发表了自己的见闻,你们创办了报 刊杂志和举行了小规模的奥运会,你们创建了劳动者权利和移民协会,最髙法院律 师事务所、充分教育和防止家庭暴力事务所,以及旧金山扶持诉私、项目。你们劝说 耶鲁大学脱离苏丹联盟大学并去寻找艾滋病患者所必需的药物。你们申请工作和实 习,你们参与了模拟法庭和律师协会,并为“40之夜”举行庆祝活动。当美国政治 失去文明性的时候,你们的美国宪法协会和联邦主义协会分会联合共同发起行动。在法学院的讽刺话剧上,你们令人捧腹地拿你们的老师和院长开玩笑。在这些慢慢 淡去之时,你们有的失去所爱的人,有的结婚,有的生孩子。而今天,所有人都再 一次也是最后一次聚在一起。所以2008级的同学们,看看你们的左边,再看看你们 的右边,看看耶鲁大学法学院现在的样子,它永远是由众多优秀个体组成的共同 体,在所做的一切中追求卓越,体现出仁爱精神。你们将此处变成了一个追求和承 诺之地:作为律师和学者,你们追求卓越,在与人相处尽己所能追求仁爱宽厚,追 求职业发展,但是这并非出于自私,而是想要更多地奉献。在这里,你们曾经相互 激烈地竞争,也曾互相友好地扶持。你们对峙过也彼此安慰过。当说过做过这些之 后,因为你们,法学院变得更美好,你们拥有了一个比三年前更加优秀的耶鲁,以 及更加优秀的纽黑文。

Over these last few years, you’ve heard many words from me. Some of them, I hope you will take to your graves: like “federal courts are courts of limited subject matter jurisdiction.” By the way, if that comes as news to any of you, let me tell you now that “federal courts are in fact courts of limited subject matter jurisdiction.” Who says you don’t learn any law here at Yale Law School? You may fear that there is a lot about law that you have not learned, and you know what? You are certainly right. But in fact, everything really important about life and law you have already learned here: how should you live your life as a lawyer? You find your friends in small groups.

在过去几年中,你们听我说了很多话,但是有些我希望你们永远铭记:比如 “联邦法院是拥有有限事务管辖权的法院。”顺便提一下,如果你们觉得这种讲 法比较新奇的话,现在让我告诉你:“联邦法院其实就是拥有有限事务管辖权的法 院。”谁说你在耶鲁法学院没有学到任何法学知识?也许你会觉得关于法律你还有很多需要学习的,你们知道吗?你当然是对的。但是事实上,你们已经掌握了一切 关于人生和法律的精华的东西:你应该怎样拓展你的律师生涯?在这个领域,你可 以找到很多朋友。

If you have to scramble, don’t worry about how others grade you. Instead, just do your best: it’s the most that you can do; it’s the best that you can do. Please remember that the role of lawyers is to be leaders. That accomplishment alone, without humility, is tragic; and that excellence alone, without humanity, is worthless. Don’t forget to work for those who need you the most because it is the duty of the most privileged to serve the least privileged.

如果你还要摸索奋进,就莫要烦心有天会被人超过。相反,尽全力去做好你能 做到的最好的事,也是你至少要做好的事。请牢记,律师的角色就是成为领导者。 如果不够谦逊,那么即使成功也是可悲的领导者;如果不够谦逊,即使有卓越的成 就,也是毫无价值的,不要忘记为那些最需要你的人工作,为那些享受特权最少的 人服务是人们的职责。

.And please, never ever let your skill exceed your virtue. In the years ahead, your clients will not be just those who pay you. Your clients will include the integrity of the law itself. So please learn two phrases: first, “I don’t know.” If you don’t know, say so. In the next few years, you will often not be sure. Don’t fake it; be honest and tell the truth. Not knowing is no embarrassment. You will find out and give the right answer soon enough. And please remember a second word: “No.” All lawyers want to tell their clients yes. What is harder is to tell your client no. We have all learned about two groups of Justice Department lawyers, both of whom included Yale Law School graduates. One group was asked to approve an illegal program, at the hospital bed of an ailing Attorney General. Their answer, and the Attorney General’s was simply “No.” Another group of Justice Department lawyers was asked to write a legal opinion authorizing American officials to torture detainees. Their job was to say no. It is illeg

al and it is wrong. Instead, they answered, “here’s how.” That was the wrong answer. So may The Force be with you, yes, but please never let it take you to the dark side.

此外请大家记得永远不要让自己的技能超过自己的美德。将来你们的顾客要 支付给的不仅仅是你的人,还应包括法律本身的公正。所以请学会两句话:首先 是,“我不知道。”如果你不知道,就说不知道。在接下来的几年里,你经常会不 能肯定地向顾客回答某些事情。千万别不懂装懂;学会诚实,讲真话。不知道并不 会使你难堪。因为不久之后你就会找到并给出正确答案。此外请记住第二句话: “不。”所有律师都想对顾客点头说是6真正难得是怎样对顾客说不。我们都知道有两组司法部律师,而这两组中都有耶鲁法学院的毕业生。其中的一组成员在一个 病危的首席检察官病床前被委托批准一个非法项目,他们和首席检察官斩钉截铁地 回答道:“不。”另外一组司法部律师们被要求撰写法律建议,建议授予美国官员 特权来审问拘留犯。他们的工作职责是说不。然而,他们却回答道:“那就这样做 吧。”这是错误的不负责任的回答。所以如果你被赋予了权利,请切记千万不要被 他人误导而误入歧途。

After the grandeur of today’s ceremonies, most of you will start studying tomorrow for the bar exam under the benign instruction of DVDs and IPODs across America. As you focus on clearing this one last hurdle, you may find yourself distracted by bigger things: the economy, the environment, the presidential election, and the war in Iraq that has made today’s Memorial Day so poignant.

在今天这庄严而又隆重的毕业典礼之后,你们大多数人会从明天开始在全美令 人受益的DVD和IPOD指导下学习,准备律师资格考试。在你集中精力要跨越这最后 一道障碍时,你也许会发现有许多更加重大的事情让你分心:经济、环境、总统选 举,还有使如今的战亡将士纪念日变得让人痛彻心扉的伊拉克战争。

More than any class I can remember, you are becoming lawyers in a time of transition. If the period from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the fall of the Twin Towers marked the Post Cold War era, and September 11 to the present marked what some have called the Age of Terror, the next ten years will be what I call the “Interconnected Age,” Globalization 2.0, if you will. In Globalization 2.0,all issues will connect to one another-the economic, the political, the military, the environmental-and all of them will connect to law in unexpected ways. You become lawyers at a time of challenges to freedom around the globe: in Zimbabwe, in Burma, in the Middle East, right here in the United States of America.

因为你们是在一个过渡时期成为律师的,所以我对你们的记忆将最为深刻。如 果说从柏林墙的倒塌到双子塔的倒塌标志着后冷战时代的话,那么从9月11日至今, 就像某些人所说的那样,就标志着恐怖主义时代了,而接下来的10年我将称之为 “紧密联系的时代”,如果可以的话,你们也可以称之为“全球化2.0时代”。所有的事情都相互关联如经济、政治、军事、环境等,而且所有这些都会令人意想不到 地跟法律挂钩。如今全球各地,如津巴布韦、缅甸、中东以及美国的自由都受到了 挑战,而你们将在这个时候成为律师。

As Tom Friedman of The New York Times recently noted, last year was by far the worst year for freedom in the world since the end of the Cold War. Almost four times as many states declined in their freedom scores as improved. And among the least democratic countries in the world are those who derive most of their revenues from oil. So as the price of fuel rises, and with it the price of food and housing, we will need to cut our reliance on fossil fuels, not just to save money,not just to protect the environment from global warming, not just to promote our national security,but to promote the rule of law and reduce our dependence on the lifeblood of dictators that weakens democracy worldwide. At Class Day yesterday, Britain’s Tony Blair told the graduating class that like it or not, you are the Global Generation,so you must learn to be global citizens. If there is one issue that I would ask you to devote yourselves to in the years ahead, it is that timeless challenge first put to us in the Gett sburg Address: “

that we here highly resolve that this nation, under God,shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people,shall not perish from the earth.”

正如《纽约时报》的记者汤姆弗里曼德所说,去年是自冷战结束至今世界各 国最不自由的一年,自由指数下降的国家数量是自由指数上升的国家数量的4倍,而 且还有许多靠石油买卖来作为国家收入的最为专制的国家。随着油价上涨,食品价 格和房价也相继上涨,这就需要我们减少对化石燃料的依赖,这样做不仅仅是为了 节约开支,不仅仅是为了保护环境,防止全球变暖,也不仅仅是为了提升国家安全 指数,这样做更是为了减少我们对削弱世界民主的独裁者的依赖。在昨天的毕业纪 念日上,英国首相托尼布莱尔对毕业生说:不管你们喜欢不喜欢,你们是全球化 的一代,所以你们必须学会做全球化公民。如果说在今后的日子里我会要求你们投 入某项事业的话,那就是要大家做到能够应对林肯在盖茨堡演讲中提到的永恒的挑 战:“我们在此立誓,要让我们的国家在上帝的福佑下得到自由的新生,让这个民有、民治、民享的政府永远长存于世。”

Let me close with a final request. Today, you understand more acutely than ever before, the difference between knowledge and wisdom. For years, as you have grown in knowledge, you have sought wisdom from others. But today is the day, after years of seeking wisdom from others, to start finding it in yourselves. In the years ahead, please trust the wisdom you find inside you. Remember your values, the values that got you here, and that got you through. And as you leave here, please remember why you came.

今天的演讲我想以最后一个要求来结束。如今,你们比以往任何时候都清楚知 识和智慧的区别。多年来当你们在学习知识中成长时,你们也从他人身上汲取了智 慧。过去你们一直从他人身上汲取智慧,但是从今天开始,你们要在自己身上寻找 智慧。在今后的日子里,请相信你自身的智慧。请记住自己的价值观,是它让你来 到耶鲁学习并顺利毕业的。当你离开后,请不要忘记你们最初来到这儿的目的。

Good luck, Class of 2008!


I love you. I envy you. I expect so very much from you. Godspeed and God bless you.

我爱你们,我羡慕你们,同时我对你们寄予有很高的期望。祝你们成功,愿上 帝保佑你们!