英国现任外交大臣William Hague发表圣诞新年演讲()
在圣诞节和新年来临之际,英国现任外交大臣William Hague威廉·黑格发表了新年致辞。2012年对于英国来说是一个值得纪念的一年,英女王执政60周年,英国举办了伦敦奥运会及残奥会,也发表了对2013年的期望。
2012 has been a remarkable year. Britain and the Commonwealth have celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen who today visited the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, her last engagement of this jubilee year.
The UK also welcomed the world during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the legacy of which will live on for years to come.
This year has been a celebration of Britain’s diversity, innovation and creativity. 2013 presents us with many challenges but we’ll continue to work towards making the world safer, fairer, and more prosperous.
I'm looking forward to our presidency of the G8 and the ambitious agenda the Prime Minister has set for us and our partners.
And at this time of year we remember especially all those who will be spending this festive season in places of conflict. The suffering of the Syrian people and the prolonged misery that they have faced has saddened us all. The UK will continue to search for a peaceful solution. I’d like to thank all those who’ve worked so hard to protect others around the world including our servicemen and women.
I wish you and your families wherever you are in the world a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and Happy New Year.