TED演讲集:Jacqueline Novogratz大度人生之启发
人们说悲伤要经历五个阶段:denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance——否认、愤怒、协商、沮丧和接受。我经历了一遍又一遍,终于振作起来,重新关心粮食和蔬菜,努力投身到滚滚红尘之中。太阳还照常升起,有什么借口不去用力生活。
Jacqueline Novogratz: Inspiring a life of immersion英语演讲稿:
I've been spending a lot of time traveling around the world these days talking to groups of students and professionals. And everywhere I'm finding that I hear similar themes. On the one hand, people say, "The time for change is now." They want to be part of it. They talk aboutwanting lives of purpose and greater meaning. But on the other hand, I hear people talking aboutfear, a sense of risk aversion. They say, "I really want to follow a life of purpose, but I don't know where to start. I don't want to disappoint my family or friends."I work in global poverty. And they say,"I want to work in global poverty, but what will it mean about my career? Will I be marginalized? Will I not make enough money? Will I never get married or have children?"And as a woman who didn't get married until I was a lot older -- and I'm glad I waited -- (Laughter) -- and has no children, I look at these young people and I say, "Your job is not to be perfect. Your job is only to be human. And nothing important happens in life without a cost."These conversations really reflect what's happening at the national and international level.Our leaders and ourselves want everything, but we don't talk about the cost, we don't talk about the sacrifice.1
到目前为止, 我花了很多时间 游历世界每一个角落 跟许多学生和专业人士交谈。 在每一个地方我都会听见类似的话题。 一方面, 人们说, "这一刻就是改造未来的机会。" 他们渴望成为动力的一分子。 表达出他们对丰盛人生之渴求。 但在另一方面, 我听见人们谈论到忧虑, 对冒险的反感。 他们说, "我渴望追随一个有意义的人生, 但不知从何开始。 我不想让家人或朋友失望。" 我从事国际救贫工作。 他们又说, "我有意参与国际救贫工作, 但这对我的事业有何影响? 我会否被迫至社会边缘? 我的经济能力许可吗? 婚姻和培育下一代的机会又怎样呢?" 由一个迟婚女人的角度来看 – 我欣然地不畏等待 – 「笑声」 – 而没有孩子的我, 看着这一群年轻人 我说, "你的使命不是追求完美, 你的使命只是做人。 任何重大的人生历程 都难免要付出代价。" 这些交谈真实地反映出 地区性和国际性的社会状况。 我们的领袖跟我们一样 渴求着一切, 但我们从不谈到代价, 我们从不谈到牺牲。
One of my favorite quotes from literature was written by Tillie Olsen, the great American writer from the South. In a short story called "Oh Yes," she talks about a white woman in the 1950s who has a daughter who befriends a little African American girl. And she looks at her child with a sense of pride, but she also wonders, what price will she pay? "Better immersion than to live untouched." Butthe real question is, what is the cost of not daring? What is the cost of not trying?2
我最喜欢的一句文学格言 是来自蒂莉•奥尔森的一句话 她是来自美国南部的一位作家 在一篇名为“Oh Yes”的故事里 她写的是发生在1950年代的一个故事 一位白人妇女有一个女儿 这个女儿和一位黑人女孩成为了朋友 她看着自己的女孩,觉得很骄傲 但同时她也在想 她是否会因此而付出什么代价? “与其淡漠度过一生 不如全身心的投入” 但真正的问题是 假如我们不去冒险,其代价又会是什么? 不去尝试的代价是什么?
I've been so privileged in my life to know extraordinary leaders who have chosen to live lives of immersion. One woman I knew who was a fellow at a program that I ran at the Rockefeller Foundation was named Ingrid Washinawatok. She was a leader of the Menominee tribe, a Native American peoples. And when we would gather as fellows, she would push us to think about how the elders in Native American culture make decisions. And she said they would literally visualize the faces of children for seven generations into the future, looking at them from the Earth. And they would look at them, holding them as stewards for that future. Ingrid understood that we are connected to each other, not only as human beings, but to every living thing on the planet.3
我一生中遇到了 许多非常杰出的领袖 他们都选择了过一种全身心投入的人生 当我还在洛克菲勒基金会工作的时候 曾主持一个项目 当时有一位叫殷歌丽•瓦什娜沃托克的妇女是那个项目的伙伴 她是密诺米尼部落的首领 那是一个北美的原住民部落 项目伙伴会经常聚会 她会让我们想 在北美原住民部落里的 老人是怎么做决定的 她说,老人们会想象出他们的 后代的面孔 ——从现在数起的七个世代 眼睛看着他们的后代 而后代则看着这些老人,把他们看作是 后代的守护神 殷歌丽知道,我们所有人都是联系在一起的 不仅仅是与其他人 而且和地球上其他的生物也是联系在一起的
And tragically, in 1999 when she was in Columbia working with the U'wa people, focused on preserving their culture and language, she and two colleagues were abducted and tortured and killed by the FARC. And whenever we would gather the fellows after that, we would leave a chair empty for her spirit. And more than a decade later, when I talk to NGO fellows, whether in Trenton, New Jersey or the office of the White House, and we talk about Ingrid, they all say that they're trying to integrate her wisdom and her spirit and really build on the unfulfilled work of her life's mission. And when we think about legacy, I can think of no more powerful one, despite how short her life was.4
可悲的是, 1999年,当她去到哥伦比亚 和当地的U'wa部族的人 进行文化以及土著语言保护工作的时候 她以及她的两位同事被绑架了 并且被哥伦比亚革命武装力量折磨致死 那件事以后 每次我们组织的伙伴聚会活动上,我们都会空出一张椅子 十年多之后 每当我跟NGO的人谈起这事 不管是在新泽西州的特伦顿或者是在白宫的办公室 我们都会谈及殷歌丽 他们都会说希望把殷歌丽的智慧 以及她的精神,融入到他们的工作当中 并且继承殷歌丽未竟的事业 以及她的人生使命 每次我们想到某人留下的遗产的时候 我能想到的最具震撼力的 就是殷歌丽的遗产,虽然她生命非常短暂
And I've been touched by Cambodian women, beautiful women, women who held the tradition of the classical dance in Cambodia. And I met them in the early 90s. In the 1970s, under the Pol Pot regime, the Khmer Rouge killed over a million people. And they focused and targeted the elites and the intellectuals, the artists, the dancers. And at the end of the war, there were only 30 of these classical dancers still living. And the women who I was so privileged to meet when there were three survivors, told these stories about lying in their cots in the refugee camps. They said they would try so hard to remember the fragments of the dance, hoping that others were alive and doing the same.5
我也被柬埔寨的妇女感动过 她们都是非常美丽的妇女 她们在柬埔寨坚持民族舞蹈 我在90年代初的时候曾经见过她们 1970年代在波尔布特政权之下 红色高棉残杀了一百多万人 他们主要是针对精英、知识分子 艺术家、舞蹈家这些阶层开刀 战争结束之时 只有30名古典舞蹈师存活下来 我有幸见到了最后幸存至今日的 三名幸存者当中的一位 她说当时她们躺在 难民营的小床里 她们那时候想尽办法去记住 舞蹈的细节 希望别人也能记住
And one woman stood there with this perfect carriage, her hands at her side, and she talked about the reunion of the 30 after the war and how extraordinary it was. And these big tears fell down her face, but she never lifted her hands to move them. And the women decided that they would train, not the next generation of girls, because they had grown too old already, but the next generation. And I sat there in the studio watching these women clapping their hands -- beautiful rhythms -- as these little fairy pixies were dancing around them, wearing these beautiful silk colors. And I thought, after all this atrocity, this is how human beings really pray.Because they're focused on honoring what is most beautiful about our past and building it into the promise of our future.And what these women understood is sometimes the most important things that we do and that we spend our time on are those things that we cannot measure.6
其中一位拥有完美体态的妇人, 她的手放置在两旁, 她诉说 战后30年的团圆 是那么的难以忘怀。 她泪珠满面, 但她未有一次张手抹去。 这些妇女决意指导, 不是下一代, 因她们已经成年, 而是尚年幼的一代。 我坐于工作室中 看着这些妇女拍着手掌 – 美丽的拍子 – 而这些小精灵 围绕着她们跳舞, 穿着美丽和五彩宾纷的丝绸。 我想, 经过了所有残酷暴行, 这就是人们祷告的方法。 因为她们注视和尊敬 我们最美丽的过去 将它建立于 我们对未来的诚诺。 这些妇女明白到 有时候我们做最重要的事 和我们花上最多的时间 就是那些我们无法衡量的东西。
I also have been touched bythe dark side of power and leadership. And I have learned that power, particularly in its absolute form, is an equal opportunity provider. In 1986, I moved to Rwanda, and I worked with a very small group of Rwandan women to start that country's microfinance bank. And one of the women was Agnes-- there on your extreme left -- she was one of the first three women parliamentarians in Rwanda, and her legacy should have been to be one of the mothers of Rwanda. We built this institution based on social justice, gender equity, this idea of empowering women.7
我也曾领教过, 强权跟领导层的黑暗。 我领悟到权力, 在激进极端的形态里, 是一个平等机会提供者。 于1986年, 我搬到卢旺达, 我跟一班卢旺达妇女合作 开设那国家的小额信贷银行。 其中一位妇人英家妮丝 – 属于极端左派 – 她是三位卢旺达国会女议员之中 的其中一位, 她的传奇应当是 成为其中一个卢旺达之母。 我们建立社会正义架构, 性别平等主义, 女性赋权理念。
But Agnes cared more about the trappings of power than she did principle at the end. And though she had been part of building a liberal party, a political party that was focused on diversity and tolerance, about three months before the genocide, she switched parties and joined the extremist party, Hutu Power, and she became the minister of justice under the genocide regime and was known for inciting men to kill faster and stop behaving like women. She was convicted of category one crimes of genocide. And I would visit her in the prisons, sitting side-by-side, knees touching, and I would have to admit to myself that monsters exist in all of us, but that maybe it's not monsters so much, but the broken parts of ourselves, sadnesses, secret shame, and that ultimately it's easy for demagogues to prey on those parts, those fragments, if you will, and to make us look at other beings, human beings, as lesser than ourselves -- and in the extreme, to do terrible things.8
但英家妮丝沈醉于权势 最终多于她的原则。 她虽曾帮助带动自由党, 一个专注多元文化 和宽容主义的政党, 在种族灭绝前三个月, 她转了党 加入一个激进政党, 胡图势力, 成为种族灭绝政权内 的公义师政部长 这势力善于煽动男子杀人 及辍止任何属于女性化的行为。 她被定罪 于种族灭绝内的第一项罪行。 我会到监狱探望她, 一块儿坐着, 膝头碰膝头, 我对自己承认 我们的心魔, 可能不是恶魔, 而是破碎的自己, 悲伤, 隐蔽着的羞耻, 所以最终能容易地被煽动者 哺猎那些部位, 那些碎片, 就这样, 令其他人在我们眼中, 比我们自己渺小 – 被偏激围绕着, 做出可怕的事。
And there is no group more vulnerable to those kinds of manipulations than young men. I've heard it said that the most dangerous animal on the planet is the adolescent male. And so in a gathering where we're focused on women, while it is so critical that we invest in our girls and we even the playing field and we find ways to honor them, we have to remember that the girls and the women are most isolated and violated and victimized and made invisible in those very societies where our men and our boys feel disempowered, unable to provide. And that, when they sit on those street corners and all they can think of in the future is no job, no education, no possibility, well then it's easy to understand how the greatest source of status can come from a uniform and a gun.9
没有一个群体 比其他人更脆弱地蒙受精神操纵 这一群就是年轻的男人。 我曾听说这星球上最危险的动物 是在青春期的男性。 然而在一个聚会里 当我们的焦点是女性, 那关键是投资在女孩子身上 制做同等商机 找方法去表扬她们, 我们要记得女孩子和妇女 多受到孤立和冒犯 成为看不见的受害者 在某些社会里 当男人和男孩子 感到无能为力, 无法供养配给。 那样, 当他们蹲在街角 他们只可想到一个未来 没有工作, 没有学历, 没有远景, 那就可以容易理解 身分待遇的最大来源 可来自一件制服 和一枝枪。
Sometimes very small investments can release enormous, infinite potential that exists in all of us. One of the Acumen Fund fellows at my organization, Suraj Sudhakar, has what we call moral imagination -- the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes and lead from that perspective. And he's been working with this young group of men who come from the largest slum in the world, Kibera. And they're incredible guys. And together they started a book club for a hundred people in the slums, and they're reading many TED authors and liking it. And then they created a business plan competition. Then they decided that they would do TEDx's.10
有时候,一些很少的投资 也能让人迸发出巨大而且无穷的潜力 并且我们每一个人都有这样的潜力 在Acumen Fund, 我们有一位伙伴, 他叫Suraj Sudhakar 我们都认为他有一种道德想象力 就是能够设身处地的为别人着想 并且由此出发去帮助别人 他经常和这群男孩在一起 他们来自于世界最大的贫民窟基贝拉 不过他们都是很了不起的人 他们共同发起了一个读书会 会员就是贫民窟感兴趣的其中100个人 他们读的是TED讲者写的书,并且非常喜欢 后来他们搞了个商业计划 他们也希望做一个TEDx
And I have learned so much from Chris and Kevin and Alex and Herbert and all of these young men. Alex, in some ways, said it best. He said, "We used to feel like nobodies, but now we feel like somebodies." And I think we have it all wrong when we think that income is the link. What we really yearn for as human beings is to be visible to each other. And the reason these young guys told me that they're doing these TEDx's is because they were sick and tired of the only workshops coming to the slums being those workshops focused on HIV, or at best, microfinance. And they wanted to celebrate what's beautiful about Kibera and Mathare -- the photojournalists and the creatives, the graffiti artists, the teachers and the entrepreneurs. And they're doing it. And my hat's off to you in Kibera.11
我从Chris, Kevin, Alex, Herbert 以及其他很多年轻人身上 学到了 许多东西 也许是Alex讲得最有道理 他说,“过去,我们认为自己没有什么用 但现在我们看到了自己可以做点什么。” 我们都曾以为经济收入是 维系人的链条,但我们都错了 因为作为人,我们更渴望的是 能够看到彼此对方 而这些年轻人他们做TEDx 的原因是 他们每天碰到的都只是 关于艾滋病以及微型信贷的 工作坊 这点让他们觉得很无聊 于是他们希望去 发掘基贝拉和马沙雷好的一面 去发掘本地的摄影师、创意人士 街头艺术家、教师、企业家 并且马上开始这么做 我在这里要向他们表示尊敬
My own work focuses on making philanthropy more effective and capitalism more inclusive. At Acumen Fund, we take philanthropic resources and we invest what we call patient capital -- money that will invest in entrepreneurs who see the poor, not as passive recipients of charity, but as full-bodied agents of change who want to solve their own problems and make their own decisions. We leave our money for 10 to 15 years, and when we get it back, we invest in other innovations that focus on change. I know it works. We've invested more than 50 million dollars in 50 companies. And those companies have brought another 200 million dollars into these forgotten markets. This year alone, they've delivered 40 million services like maternal health care and housing, emergency services, solar energy, so that people can have more dignity in solving their problems.12
我的工作主要是围绕着 如何使得慈善更加有效 以及如何使得资本主义更加包容来展开的 我们Acumen Fund做的就是寻找慈善资源 而后将其作为耐心资本进行投资 我们通常会给那些 有远见,将穷人看成是变革之先锋 而非被动的接受慈善捐助的企业家 他们也希望解决自己的问题 以及做出自己的决定 我们的投资周期为10到15年 到了周期我们收回投资时,就会将其投到其他的创新项目里 并且我们关注的都是能够带来变革的项目 我知道这样的模式是行得通的 我们已经为超过50家公司投资了五千万美元的资本 而这些公司则创造了两亿的经济效益 并且受益的是那些被大多数人遗忘的市场 单是今年,他们就提供了四千万的服务 有孕妇医疗服务、住房 紧急救援、太阳能装置等 人们享受到这些便利之余 也有了更大的信心去解决他们自身的问题
Patient capital is uncomfortable for people searching for simple solutions, easy categories, because we don't see profit as a blunt instrument. But we find those entrepreneurs who put people and the planet before profit. And ultimately, we want to be part of a movement that is about measuring impact, measuring what is most important to us. And my dream is we'll have a world one day where we don't just honor those who take money and make more money from it, but we find those individuals who take our resources and convert it into changing the world in the most positive ways. And it's only when we honor them and celebrate them and give them status that the world will really change.13
无疑「耐心资本」可以引起不安 尤其对一些寻求简易答案, 轻松类别的人来说, 因为我们不会将盈利视为钝器。 我们寻找的那些企业家 是一些会将人和地球 放在盈利之上的人。 最终, 我们希望成为社会变革的一分子 去量度影响力, 去衡量对我们最重要的东西。 我的梦想是有一天可以活在一个世界 我们不单止会表扬那些运用金钱 来制造更多金钱的人, 我们亦会将那些运用资源 去改变世界的人 放在最正面的目光之中。 因为只有当我们尊敬他们 表扬他们和给予他们地位 这世界才会真正改变。
Last May I had this extraordinary 24-hour period where I saw two visions of the world living side-by-side -- one based on violence and the other on transcendence. I happened to be in Lahore, Pakistan on the day that two mosques were attacked by suicide bombers. And the reason these mosques were attacked is because the people praying inside were from a particular sect of Islam who fundamentalists don't believe are fully Muslim. And not only did those suicide bombers take a hundred lives, but they did more, because they created more hatred, more rage, more fear and certainly despair.14
去年五月我有这24小时难以置信的经历 我看到两个不同世界的景像 并存在一起 – 一个的基干是暴力 另一个是理性之升华。 我刚巧在拉合尔, 巴基斯坦 那天有两间清真寺 被自杀式炸弹袭击。 这些清真寺被袭原因 是因为在内祷告的人 都是属于伊斯兰教支派 基要派不相信他们是真正的穆斯林。 那些自杀攻击者不但 取掉了一百人的性命, 他们还做得更多, 因他们制造了更多憎恨, 更多怨愤, 更多恐惧 当然还有绝望。
But less than 24 hours, I was 13 miles away from those mosques, visiting one of our Acumen investees, and incredible man, Jawad Aslam, who dares to live a life of immersion. Born and raised in Baltimore, he studied real estate, worked in commercial real estate, and after 9/11 decided he was going to Pakistan to make a difference. For two years, he hardly made any money, a tiny stipend, but he apprenticed with this incredible housing developer named Tasneem Saddiqui. And he had a dream that he would build a housing community on this barren piece of land using patient capital, but he continued to pay a price. He stood on moral ground and refused to pay bribes. It took almost two years just to register the land. But I saw how the level of moral standard can rise from one person's action.15
在少于24小时内, 我已在那些清真寺的13里外, 探望一位雅决文基金的投资人, 一个非凡的男人, 沙华 • 亚士林, 他勇敢地活于大度之中。 土生土长于美国巴尔的摩, 他主修房地产学, 曾在商业地产界工作, 9/11之后他决意到巴基斯坦干一番作为。 两年之间, 他赚不到很多钱, 只有小小的资助, 一位非凡的地产商收了他为徒 名叫他思林 • 沙的基。 他的梦想是兴建一个房屋小区 在这片荒芜地带 利用「耐心资本」, 然而他继续要付出代价。 他站在道德的立场 拒绝贪污。 经过了两年多才能为那片地注册。 我看到道德标准之可以提高 是源自一人的行为。
Today, 2,000 people live in 300 houses in this beautiful community. And there's schools and clinics and shops. But there's only one mosque. And so I asked Jawad, "How do you guys navigate? This is a really diverse community. Who gets to use the mosque on Fridays?" He said, "Long story. It was hard, it was a difficult road, but ultimately the leaders of the community came together, realizing we only have each other. And we decided that we would elect the three most respected imams, and those imams would take turns, they would rotate who would say Friday prayer. But the whole community, all the different sects, including Shia and Sunni, would sit together and pray."16
今天, 有2,000人生活于300间房子 在这美丽的小区。 那里有学校、诊所和商店。 但只有一间清真寺。 我问沙华, "你们怎样导航? 这实在是一个多元文化的小区。 在星期五谁人可用到清真寺?" 他说, "故事很长篇。 十分艰辛, 一条很难走的路, 但最终小区内的领袖们走在一起, 意会到我们只有大家。 我们决定进行选举 三位最受尊敬的伊玛目, 当选的伊玛目会调换, 在星期五的祷告会轮流讲道。 但整个小区, 所有教派, 包括什叶派和逊尼派, 都会一起坐着祷告。"
We need that kind of moral leadership and courage in our worlds. We face huge issues as a world -- the financial crisis, global warming and this growing sense of fear and otherness. And everyday we have a choice. we can take the easier road, the more cynical road, which is a road based on sometimes dreams of a past that never really was, a fear of each other, distancing and blame, or we can take the much more difficult path of transformation, transcendence, compassion and love, but also accountability and justice.17
我们需要那种有道德的领导能力和勇气 存在于世间。 我们一起在这世界面对着很大的难题 – 金融风暴, 全球暖化 这恐惧感觉及人与人之间的差异。 每一天我们都有选择。 我们可走快捷方式, 愤世嫉俗的路, 这条路是源自 对未曾存在的过去之遐想, 一种互相忌惮, 保持距离和推卸责任, 或我们可走一条更加困难的路 就是蜕变, 理性之升华, 恻隐之心和爱心, 还有责任感和正义。
I had the great honor of working with the child psychologist Dr. Robert Coles who stood up for change during the Civil Rights movement in the United States. And he tells this incredible story about working with a little six year-old girl named Ruby Bridges, the first child to desegregate schools in the South -- in this case New Orleans. And he said that every day this six year-old, dressed in her beautiful dress, would walk with real grace through a phalanx of white people screaming angrily, calling her a monster, threatening to poison her -- distorted faces. And every day he would watch her, and it looked like she was talking to the people. And he would say, "Ruby, what are you saying?" And she'd say, "I'm not talking." And finally he said, "Ruby, I see that you're talking. What are you saying?" And she said, "Dr. Coles, I am not talking; I'm praying." And he said, "Well, what are you praying?" And she said, "I'm praying, Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing." At age six, this child was living a life of immersion, and her family paid a price for it. But she became part of history and opened up this idea that all of us should have access to education.18
我曾与心理学家博士罗伯特•科里斯 一道工作过 他在民权运动期间 就奋起要实现改变 他给我讲过一个非常震撼的故事 讲的是一个6岁的女孩,叫Ruby Bridges 她是第一个在南部进入非隔离学校上学的 具体是新奥尔良州 他说,每天 这个6岁的女孩都会穿上美丽的衣服 走得也特别的神气 走在一大堆白人中间 他们会大声尖叫,说她是一个魔鬼 并且还威胁说会毒害她 使她毁容 罗伯特则每天看着她 她好像在跟别人说话 他就会问,“Ruby, 你说了些什么?” 她就会回答说;“我没有在说话” 他最后忍不住,说,“Ruby,我确实看到你说话了 你到底在说什么?” 她就说:“科里斯先生,我没有在说话 我只是在祈祷。” “那你在祈祷什么?” “我祈祷上帝可以原谅他们 因为他们不知道自己在做什么。” 那时她才6岁 就已经在过一种沉浸的生活了 当然,她的家庭为此付出了很多 但是她也成为了历史的一部分 并且让我们想到 我们每一个人都应当有权利接受教育
My final story is about a young, beautiful man named Josephat Byaruhanga who was another Acumen Fund fellow who hails from Uganda, a farming community. And we placed him in a company in Western Kenya, just 200 miles away. And he said to me at the end of his year, "Jacqueline, it was so humbling, because I thought as a farmer and as an African I would understand how to transcend culture. But especially when I was talking to the African women, I sometimes made these mistakes -- it was so hard for me to learn how to listen." And he said, "So I conclude that, in many ways, leadership is like a panicle of rice. Because at the height of the season, at the height of its powers, it's beautiful, it's green, it nourishes the world, it reaches to the heavens." And he said, "But right before the harvest, it bends over with great gratitude and humility to touch the earth from where it came."19
我最后讲的故事是关于一个年轻, 美丽的男人 名叫祖士发 • 比互亨加 他是另一位雅决文基金之友 他呼唤于乌干达, 一个农业小区 我们将他驻于肯尼亚之西, 只200里之外。 他在最后一年跟我说, "积奇莲, 这真使人谦卑, 因为我想我既为一个非洲农夫 我会明白到怎样去令文化升华。 但尤其当我跟非洲妇女谈话, 我时常会犯错 – 要我学习聆听真是很困难。" 他又说, "所以我总括, 在多方面, 领导才能就好像稻米穗。 在节令高峯, 在它力量之巅, 它是美丽的, 翠绿的, 滋养着世界, 它直达苍天。" 他又说, "但在收割之前, 它弯下来 拥有无比谢意和谦逊 去接触着它来自的土壤。"
We need leaders. We ourselves need to lead from a place that has the audacity to believe we can ourselves extend the fundamental assumption that all men are created equal to every man, woman and child on this planet. And we need to have the humility to recognize that we cannot do it alone. Robert Kennedy once said that "few of us have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. And it is in the total of all those acts that the history of this generation will be written." Our lives are so short, and our time on this planet is so precious, and all we have is each other. So may each of you live lives of immersion. They won't necessarily be easy lives, but in the end, it is all that will sustain us.20
我们是需要领袖的。 我们自己需要去引领 由一个大胆的地方 去相信自己能够 伸延出一个基本臆说 就是人人平等 在这星球上的每一个男人, 女人和小孩。 我们要谦虚地承认 我们没法独自做得到。 罗伯特 • 肯尼迪曾说 "我们没有几个人可以扭转历史, 但每一个人可以做到的 是去改变一小部份的事情。 然而就是那所有行动的总和 能写下这一代的历史。" 我们的生命是多么短暂, 我们在这星球的时间 是多么保贵, 我们拥有的只有大家。 因此愿你每一位 都活于大度之中。 虽生活未必会轻松, 但到最后, 只有这样才能支撑你我。
Thank you.