Gabe Barcia Colombo在Ted英语演讲:我的DNA自动贩卖机
Gabe Barcia Colombo:My DNA Vending Machine加布里埃尔·加西亚-科伦坡: 我的 DNA 自动贩卖机
通常来说,自动贩卖机售卖苏打饮料,糖果和薯片。但这可和 TED 研究会员加布里埃尔·加西亚-科伦坡所说的自动贩卖机不一样。这位艺术家希望设置人类 DNA 自动贩卖机,售卖提取自人体的 DNA,将它们装在小瓶子里并配有人体样本的照片。这很有趣并且古怪,但也提出了很大的伦理问题,这些伦理争议随着人们对生物科技的日益涉入而越发得到讨论。
This is a vending machine in Los Angeles. It's in a shopping mall, and it sells fish eggs. It's a caviar vending machine.
这是在美国洛杉矶的自动贩卖机。 它在商场里,售卖鱼卵。 也就是鱼子酱自动贩卖机。
This is the Art-o-mat, an art vending machine that sells small artistic creations by different artists, usually on small wood blocks or matchboxes, in limited edition.
这是Art-o-mat(贩卖机品牌), 一个艺术贩卖机, 售卖由各路艺术家创作的小艺术品。 通常是在小木块或火柴盒上的艺术创作, 是限量的。
This is Oliver Medvedik. He's not a vending machine, but he is one of the founders of Genspace, a community biolab in Brooklyn, New York, where anybody can go and take classes and learn how to do things like grow E. coli that glows in the dark or learn how to take strawberry DNA. In fact, I saw Oliver do one of these strawberry DNA extractions about a year ago, and this is what led me onto this bizarre path that I'm going to talk to you right now. Because strawberry DNA is really fascinating, because it's so beautiful. I'd never thought about DNA being a beautiful thing before, before I saw it in this form. And a lot of people, especially in the art community, don't necessarily engage in science in this way. I instantly joined Genspace after this, and I asked Oliver, "Well, if we can do this strawberries, can we do this with people as well?" And about 10 minutes later, we were both spinning it in vials together and coming up with a protocol for human DNA extraction. And I started doing this on my own, and this is what my DNA actually looks like.
这是奥利弗·麦徳沃鄂迪克。 他不是自动贩卖机, 他是基因空间(Genspace)的创办人之一, 绅士空间是位于纽约布鲁克林区的 一个社区生物学实验室, 任何人都可以去上课 学习如何在黑暗中培植大肠杆菌 或学习如何提取草莓的DNA。 事实上,大约一年前, 我看过奥利弗从这些草莓中提取DNA, 就是这个实验引领我走上这诡异的道路, 我现在就要将给你们听。 因为草莓DNA真的很有趣, 因为它是如此的美丽。 在我看到这个之前形态前, 我从没想过DNA可以这样美丽。 很多人,尤其是在艺术圈的人, 不一定要这样和科学挂上联系。 在此之后,我立即加入了基因空间, 我问奥利弗, "呃,如果我们能提取草莓的DNA, 我们能从人体上提取吗?" 约10分钟后,我们两个都 让自己的DNA在小瓶中旋转 并且起草了人类DNA提取议定书。 于是我先拿自己做实验, 我的DNA长这样。
And I was at a dinner party with some friends, some artist friends, and I was telling them about this project, and they couldn't believe that you could actually see DNA. So I said, all right, let's get out some supplies right now. And I started having these bizarre dinner parties at my house on Friday nights where people would come over and we would do DNA extractions, and I would actually capture them on video, because it created this kind of funny portrait as well. (Laughter) These are people who don't necessarily regularly engage with science whatsoever. You can kind of tell from their reactions. But they became fascinated by it, and it was really exciting for me to see them get excited about science.
当我与一些艺术家朋友共进晚餐的时候, 我跟他们讲了这一项目, 他们不敢相信DNA是可见的。 所以我说,好吧,让我们 赶紧去找一些愿意提供DNA的人。 于是在星期五晚上, 我会在家举办这些奇特的晚宴, 人们会过来参加, 我们便提取他们的DNA, 我会用摄影机拍下他们, 因为我能看到这种滑稽的面部表情。 (笑声) 这些都不是定期和科学研究 有接触的人。 这点你可以从他们的反应上看出来。 但他们迷上了它, 我非常幸福能看到他们 对科学有兴趣
And so I started doing this regularly. It's kind of an odd thing to do with your Friday nights, but this is what I started doing, and I started collecting a whole group of my friends' DNA in small vials and categorizing them. This is what that looked like. And it started to make me think about a couple of things. First of all, this looked a lot like my Facebook wall. So in a way, I've created sort of a genetic network, a genetic social network, really.
于是我经常举办这样的活动。 周五晚上做这件事情是有些怪异, 但我开始做了, 我开始收集整组 朋友们的DNA小瓶 并对它们进行分类。 就是这个样子。 它使我想起几件事。 首先,这很像我的脸书墙。 所以在某种程度上, 我创建了有点基因网络, 一个基因社交网络。
And the second thing was, one time a friend came over and looked at this on my table and was like, "Oh. Why are they numbered? Is this person more rare than the other one?" And I hadn't even thought about that. They were just numbered because that was the order that I extracted the DNA in. But that made me think about collecting toys, and this thing that's going on right now in the toy world with blind box toys, and being able to collect these rare toys. You buy these boxes. You're not sure what's going to be inside of them. But then, when you open them up, you have different rarities of the toys. And so I thought that was interesting. I started thinking about this and the caviar vending machine and the Art-o-mat all together, and some reason, I was one night drawing a vending machine, thinking about doing paintings of a vending machine, and the little vial of my DNA was sitting there, and I saw this kind of beautiful collaboration between the strands of DNA and the coils of a vending machine. And so, of course, I decided to create an art installation called the DNA Vending Machine. Here it is.
第二件事是,一次有个朋友过来 看着我桌上的这个图片说,"哦。 为什么他们有编号? 是因为这个人比另一个更罕见吗?" 这是我甚至都没想过的问题。 他们只是按照我提取DNA的顺序排列。 但是,这让我想到了收集玩具, 正在进行的这件事 如同在收藏盲目玩具盒, 并能够收集这些罕见的玩具。 你买这些玩具盒。 你不知道里面有些什么。 然后,当你打开他们, 你发现那是罕见的玩具。 于是,我想那很有趣。 我开始思考这个项目和鱼子酱自动贩卖机 和Art-o-mat贩卖机, 出于某种原因, 我花了一个晚上绘制自动贩卖机, 想着如何绘制自动售货机, 我小小瓶的DNA坐在那里, 我看到了DNA分子链和自动贩卖机线圈间的 某种美妙合作。 所以,当然, 我决定要创造一个艺术装置 名叫DNA自动贩卖机。 就是这个。
["DNA Vending Machine is an art installation about our increasing access to biotechnology."]
["DNA自动贩卖机是,有关我们 增进接触生物技术的艺术装置。"]
["For a reasonable cost, you can purchase a sample of human DNA from a traditional vending machine."]
["以合理的价格,您可以从传统自动售卖机处 购买一个人类DNA的样本。"]
["Each sample comes packaged with a collectible limited edition portrait of the human specimen."]
["每个样本都配有人体试样的 珍藏版限量肖像画"]。
["DNA Vending Machine treats DNA as a collectible material and brings to light legal issues over the ownership of DNA."]
["DNA自动贩卖机,将DNA视为 一种可收集的材料, 公开讨论DNA所有权的法律问题"]。
Gabriel Garcia-Colombo: So the DNA Vending Machine is currently in a couple galleries in New York, and it's selling out pretty well, actually. We're in the first edition of 100 pieces, hoping to do another edition pretty soon. I'd actually like to get it into more of a metro hub, like Grand Central or Penn Station, right next to some of the other, actual vending machines in that location.
加布里埃尔·加西亚-科伦坡:DNA自动贩卖机 目前设立在纽约的在几个画廊里, 事实上,它的销量很好。 我们在第一版制作了100件作品, 估计很快能做下一个版本。 我其实更想让这种贩卖机 设立在轨道交通枢纽, 像是纽约中央车站或者是宾州车站, 在其他常见的自动贩卖机附近。
But really with this project and a lot of my art projects I want to ask the audience a question, and that is, when biotechnology and DNA sequencing becomes as cheap as, say, laser cutting or 3D printing or buying caviar from a vending machine, will you still submit your sample of DNA to be part of the vending machine? And how much will these samples be worth? And will you buy someone else's sample? And what will you be able to do with that sample?
关于这个项目, 和我的一些其他的艺术项目, 我想问观众一个问题,那就是 当生物技术和DNA测序 变得很便宜,像是激光切割 或者3D打印,或是 从自动贩卖机里买鱼子酱, 你仍然愿意提供您的DNA, 让它成为自动贩卖机的一部分吗? 这些样本的价值是多少? 你会买别人的样本吗? 你要这些样本有什么用?
Thank you.