
But consider the following: if the world as a whole were as wealthy as the United States is now


there would be more than five times as many scientists and engineers contributing to ideas which benefit everyone, which are shared by everyone.


I think of the great Indian mathematician, Ramanujan. How many Ramanujans are there in India today toiling in the fields,


barely able to feed themselves, when they could be feeding the world? Now we're not there yet. But it is going to happen in this century.


The real tragedy of the last century is this: if you think about the world's population as a giant computer, a massively parallel processor,


then the great tragedy has been that billions of our processors have been off line.


But in this century China is coming on line. India is coming on line. Africa is coming on line. We will see an Einstein in Africa in this century.


Here is just some data. This is China. 1996: less than one million new university students in China per year; 2006: over five million.


Now think what this means. This means we all benefit when another country gets rich. We should not fear other countries becoming wealthy.


That is something that we should embrace -- a wealthy China, a wealthy India, a wealthy Africa.


We need a greater demand for ideas, those larger markets I was talking about earlier and a greater supply of ideas for the world.
