
As you know, in 2008 it all came tumbling down. Banks collapsed, global stock markets lost nearly half their value,


millions and millions of people lost their homes to foreclosure. And at the bottom, nearly one in 10 Americans was out of work.


So after things calmed down a little bit, Greenspan and many others came out with a postmortem and said,


"Nobody could have predicted that crisis." They called it "a black swan."


Something that was unimaginable, unforeseeable and completely improbable. A total surprise. Except it wasn't always such a surprise.


For example, my Manhattan apartment nearly doubled in value in less than four years. I saw the writing on the wall and I sold it.


So, a lot of other people also saw the warning, spoke out publicly and they were ignored.


So we didn't know exactly what the crisis was going to look like, not the exact parameters,


but we could all tell that the thing coming at us was as dangerous, visible and predictable as a giant gray rhino charging right at us.


米歇尔·沃克拥有莱斯大学的法语和政策研究学士学位以及哥伦比亚大学国际事务硕士学位,她是美国作家,评论家和政策分析家,Gray Rhino公司创始人,专门研究世界经济和危机预期。为什么我们常常忽视那些大问题直到时间太晚,比如经济危机,气候变化?作为政策策略家她鼓励我们用“灰犀牛”——那些可以预防却被我们忽视的危险,去替代“黑天鹅”的神话——小概率、无法预见又无法避免的灾难。她向我们展示了为什么可遇见的危机仍让我们意外——并且给出了一些信息,有可能有一个"犀牛"正支配你的生活。