TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(2)

It's a beautiful thing. I swear to God. I mean, when you look at the box and you sort of see how it works.


Rives is here, and I met him years ago at a book fair; he does pop-up books. And I'm obsessed with engineering of paper.


But like the scoring of it, the printing of it, where the thing gets glued, the registration marks for the ink. I just love boxes.


My grandfather was sort of the guy who kind of got me into all sorts of these things. He would also supply me with tools.


He was this amazing encourager -- this patron, sort of, to make stuff. And he got me a Super 8 camera when I was 10 years old.


And in 1976, that was sort of an anomaly, to be a 10-year-old kid that had access to a camera.


And you know, he was so generous; I couldn't believe it. He wasn't doing it entirely without some manipulation.


I mean, I would call him, and I'd be like, "Listen, Grandpa, I really need this camera. You don't understand.


This is, like, I want to make movies. I'll get invited to TED one day --"


And, you know, my grandmother was the greatest. Because she'd be like, you know -- she'd get on the phone.


She'd be like, "Harry, it's better than the drugs." She was fantastic.

她会对我外公说,“相机总比毒品好,他该找点事做做。” 她太好了!

So I found myself getting this stuff, thanks to her assist, and suddenly, you know, I had a synthesizer when I was 14 years old --this kind of stuff.


And it let me make things, which, to me, was sort of the dream. He sort of humored my obsession to other things too, like magic.


The thing is, we'd go to this magic store in New York City called Lou Tannen's Magic. It was this great magic store.

我们常去纽约的Lou Tannen魔术店。它很神奇,真是个神奇的地方。

It was a crappy little building in Midtown, but you'd be in the elevator, the elevator would open -- there'd be this little, small magic store.


You'd be in the magic store. And it was a magical place. So I got all these magic tricks. Here. I'll show you. This is the kind of thing.


So it would be like, you know. Which is good, but now I can't move.


Now, I have to do the rest of the thing like this. I'm like, "Oh, wow. Look at my computer over there!"


So one of the things that I bought at the magic store was this: Tannen's Mystery Magic Box.


The premise behind the Mystery Magic Box was the following: 15 dollars buys you 50 dollars worth of magic. Which is a savings.


