TED演讲之神童 伊娃·韦尔泰什对医学未来的展望(2)
I found this passion not far from here, actually, when I was nine years old. My family was on a road trip and we were in the Grand Canyon.
And I had never been a reader when I was young -- my dad had tried me with the Hardy Boys; I tried Nancy Drew; I tried all that -- and I just didn't like reading books.
And my mother bought this book when we were at the Grand Canyon called "The Hot Zone." It was all about the outbreak of the Ebola virus.
And something about it just kind of drew me towards it. There was this big sort of bumpy-looking virus on the cover, and I just wanted to read it.
I picked up that book, and as we drove from the edge of the Grand Canyon to Big Sur, and to, actually, here where we are today, in Monterey, I read that book,
and from when I was reading that book, I knew that I wanted to have a life in medicine.
I wanted to be like the explorers I'd read about in the book, who went into the jungles of Africa, went into the research labs and just tried to figure out what this deadly virus was.
So from that moment on, I read every medical book I could get my hands on, and I just loved it so much. I was a passive observer of the medical world.
It wasn't until I entered high school that I thought, "Maybe now, you know -- being a big high school kid -- I can maybe become an active part of this big medical world."
一直到了高中,我才想到 ”我已经是高中生了,或许从现在开始,我可以动手做点儿什么了” 。
And I was 14, and I emailed professors at the local university to see if maybe I could go work in their lab. And hardly anyone responded.
But I mean, why would they respond to a 14-year-old, anyway? And I got to go talk to one professor, Dr. Jacobs, who accepted me into the lab.
At that time, I was really interested in neuroscience and wanted to do a research project in neurology -- specifically looking at the effects of heavy metals on the developing nervous system.
So I started that, and worked in his lab for a year, and found the results that I guess you'd expect to find when you feed fruit flies heavy metals--
that it really, really impaired the nervous system.
The spinal cord had breaks. The neurons were crossing in every which way. And from then I wanted to look not at impairment, but at prevention of impairment.