TED演讲之神童 伊娃·韦尔泰什对医学未来的展望(9)

It's not harmful; it has just repaired the muscle. Muscle is constantly being used -- constantly being damaged.


If every time we tore a muscle or every time we stretched a muscle or moved in a wrong way, cancer occurred --


I mean, everybody would have cancer almost. And I hate to say that.


But it seems as though muscle cell, possibly because of all its use, has adapted faster than other body tissues to respond to injury,


to fine-tune this repair response and actually be able to finish the process which the body wants to finish.


I really believe that the human body is very, very smart, and we can't counteract something the body is saying to do.


It's different when a bacteria comes into the body -- that's a foreign object --


we want that out. But when the body is actually initiating a process and we're calling it a disease,


it doesn't seem as though elimination is the right solution.


So even to go from there, it's possible, although far-fetched, that in the future we could almost think of cancer being used as a therapy.


If those diseases where tissues are deteriorating -- for example Alzheimer's, where the brain, the brain cells, die and we need to restore new brain cells,


new functional brain cells -- what if we could, in the future, use cancer? A tumor -- put it in the brain and cause it to differentiate into brain cells?


That's a very far-fetched idea, but I really believe that it may be possible.


These cells are so versatile, these cancer cells are so versatile -- we just have to manipulate them in the right way.


And again, some of these may be far-fetched, but I figured if there's anywhere to present far-fetched ideas, it's here at TED, so thank you very much.

再次声明,有些观点是有点牵强附会,但如果存在一个可以表达这些奇思异想的地方, 那么它就在这里,TED 非常感谢。

