TED演讲之生存故事 谭黎:我的移民故事(3)
My mother, my sister and I slept in the same bed. My mother was exhausted each night,
but we told one another about our day and listened to the movements of my grandmother around the house.
My mother suffered from nightmares, all about the boat. And my job was to stay awake until her nightmares came so I could wake her.
She opened a computer store, then studied to be a beautician and opened another business.
And the women came with their stories about men who could not make the transition, angry and inflexible, and troubled children caught between two worlds.
Grants and sponsors were sought. Centers were established. I lived in parallel worlds.
In one, I was the classic Asian student, relentless in the demands that I made on myself.
In the other, I was enmeshed in lives that were precarious, tragically scarred by violence, drug abuse and isolation.
But so many over the years were helped. And for that work, when I was a final-year law student, I was chosen as the Young Australian of the Year.
And I was catapulted from one piece of the jigsaw to another, and their edges didn't fit.
Tan Le, anonymous Footscray resident, was now Tan Le, refugee and social activist,
Tan Le一名Footscray普通居民,现在是难民,社会积极分子,
invited to speak in venues she had never heard of and into homes whose existence she could never have imagined.
I didn't know the protocols. I didn't know how to use the cutlery. I didn't know how to talk about wine.
I didn't know how to talk about anything. I wanted to retreat to the routines and comfort of life in an unsung suburb --
a grandmother, a mother and two daughters ending each day as they had for almost 20 years,
telling one another the story of their day and falling asleep, the three of us still in the same bed.
I told my mother I couldn't do it. She reminded me that I was now the same age she had been when we boarded the boat.
"No" had never been an option. "Just do it," she said, "and don't be what you're not."
没有任何选择。“放手去做”,她说 “做真正的自己” 。