TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(6)

So how will criminals abuse this? Well, with synthetic biology you can do some pretty neat things.


For example, I predict that we will move away from a plant-based narcotics world to a synthetic one.


Why do you need the plants anymore? You can just take the DNA code from marijuana or poppies or coca leaves and cut and past that gene and put it into yeast,


and you can take those yeast and make them make the cocaine for you, or the marijuana, or any other drug.


So how we use yeast in the future is going to be really interesting. In fact, we may have some really interesting bread and beer as we go into this next century.


The cost of sequencing the human genome is dropping precipitously. It was proceeding at Moore's Law pace, but then in 2008, something changed.


The technologies got better, and now DNA sequencing is proceeding at a pace five times that of Moore's Law. That has significant implications for us.


It took us 30 years to get from the introduction of the personal computer to the level of cybercrime we have today,


but looking at how biology is proceeding so rapidly, and knowing criminals and terrorists as I do, we may get there a lot faster with biocrime in the future.


It will be easy for anybody to go ahead and print their own bio-virus, enhanced versions of ebola or anthrax, weaponized flu.


