TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(5)
Have you guys not seen that? It's huge! Anyway -- So there's this thing with mystery boxes that I started feeling compelled.
Then there's the thing of mystery in terms of imagination -- the withholding of information.
You know, doing that intentionally is much more engaging.
Whether it's like the shark in "Jaws" -- if Spielberg's mechanical shark, Bruce, had worked, it would not be remotely as scary; you would have seen it too much.
In "Alien", they never really showed the alien: terrifying!
Even in a movie like a romantic comedy, "The Graduate," they're having that date, and they're in the car, and it's loud, and so they put the top up.
You don't hear anything they're saying! You can't hear a word!
But it's the most romantic date ever. And you love it because you don't hear it.
So to me, there's that. And then, finally, there's this idea -- stretching the paradigm a little bit -- but the idea of the mystery box.
Meaning, what you think you're getting, then what you're really getting. And it's true in so many movies and stories.
Look at "E.T.," for example -- "E.T." is this unbelievable movie about what? It's about an alien who meets a kid, right? Well, it's not.
"E.T." is about divorce. "E.T." is about a heartbroken, divorce-crippled family, and ultimately, this kid who can't find his way.
"Die Hard," right? Crazy, great, fun, action-adventure movie in a building. It's about a guy who's on the verge of divorce.
He's showing up to L.A., tail between his legs. There are great scenes -- maybe not the most amazing dramatic scenes in the history of time, but pretty great scenes.
There's a half an hour of investment in character before you get to the stuff that you're expecting.
When you look at a movie like "Jaws," the scene that you expect -- we have the screen?
These are the kind of scenes that you remember and expect from "Jaws." And she's being eaten; there's a shark.
The thing about "Jaws" is, it's really about a guy who is sort of dealing with his place in the world--
with his masculinity, with his family, how he's going to, you know, make it work in this new town.
This is one of my favorite scenes ever, and this is a scene that you wouldn't necessarily think of when you think of "Jaws." But it's an amazing scene.