TED演讲之神童 如果我有一个女儿…(8)
It is tempting. Once you've figured this out, it is tempting to keep writing the same poem, or keep telling the same story, over and over, once you've figured out that it will gain you applause.
It's not enough to just teach that you can express yourself. You have to grow and explore and take risks and challenge yourself.
And that is step three: infusing the work you're doing with the specific things that make you you, even while those things are always changing.
Because step three never ends. But you don't get to start on step three, until you take step one first: "I can".
I travel a lot while I'm teaching, and I don't always get to watch all of my students reach their step three,
but I was very lucky with Charlotte, that I got to watch her journey unfold the way it did.
I watched her realize that, by putting the things that she knows to be true into the work she's doing,
she can create poems that only Charlotte can write, about eyeballs and elevators and Dora the Explorer.
And I'm trying to tell stories only I can tell -- like this story.
I spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to tell this story, and I wondered if the best way was going to be a PowerPoint, a short film--
And where exactly was the beginning, the middle or the end? I wondered whether I'd get to the end of this talk and finally have figured it all out, or no.
And I always thought that my beginning was at the Bowery Poetry Club, but it's possible that it was much earlier.
In preparing for TED, I discovered this diary page in an old journal. I think December 54th was probably supposed to be 24th.
It's clear that when I was a child, I definitely walked through life like this. I think that we all did.
I would like to help others rediscover that wonder--
to want to engage with it, to want to learn, to want to share what they've learned, what they've figured out to be true and what they're still figuring out.
“如果我有一个女儿,而不是妈妈,她会叫我B点(Point B)...”这是口语诗人萨拉·凯的演讲开头,这一谈话赢得了TED2011大会上两次起立喝彩。她讲了她从一个沉浸在纽约鲍威利诗社里并有双大眼睛的少年转变为一个通过口语诗展示孩子们自我表达能力的V.O.I.C.E.计划来与孩子沟通的老师--并有2段不可思议的诗歌表演“B”和“广岛。”