TED演讲之身体语言 拥有大脑的真正原因(2)

So I am a movement chauvinist. I believe movement is the most important function of the brain -- don't let anyone tell you that it's not true.


Now if movement is so important, how well are we doing understanding how the brain controls movement?


And the answer is we're doing extremely poorly; it's a very hard problem.


But we can look at how well we're doing by thinking about how well we're doing building machines which can do what humans can do.


Think about the game of chess. How well are we doing determining what piece to move where?


If you pit Garry Kasparov here, when he's not in jail, against IBM's Deep Blue, well the answer is IBM's Deep Blue will occasionally win.


And I think if IBM's Deep Blue played anyone in this room, it would win every time.


That problem is solved. What about the problem of picking up a chess piece, dexterously manipulating it and putting it back down on the board?


If you put a five year-old child's dexterity against the best robots of today, the answer is simple: the child wins easily. There's no competition at all.


Now why is that top problem so easy and the bottom problem so hard?


One reason is a very smart five year-old could tell you the algorithm for that top problem -- look at all possible moves to the end of the game and choose the one that makes you win.


So it's a very simple algorithm.


Now of course there are other moves, but with vast computers we approximate and come close to the optimal solution.


When it comes to being dexterous, it's not even clear what the algorithm is you have to solve to be dexterous.


And we'll see you have to both perceive and act on the world, which has a lot of problems.



神经学家Daniel Wolpert从一个出乎意料的前提谈起:大脑的进化不是思考或感觉的需要,而是为了控制身体运动。在这个有趣又不乏数据支持的演讲里,沃普特向我们简述人类大脑如何举重若轻地创造出灵活的身体运动姿态。