TED演讲之败中求胜 去怀疑的勇气(5)
So what does that kind of constructive conflict require?
Well, first of all, it requires that we find people who are very different from ourselves.
That means we have to resist the neurobiological drive, which means that we really prefer people mostly like ourselves,
and it means we have to seek out people with different backgrounds, different disciplines, different ways of thinking and different experience, and find ways to engage with them.
That requires a lot of patience and a lot of energy.
And the more I've thought about this, the more I think, really, that that's a kind of love.
Because you simply won't commit that kind of energy and time if you don't really care.
And it also means that we have to be prepared to change our minds.
Alice's daughter told me that every time Alice went head-to-head with a fellow scientist, they made her think and think and think again.
"My mother," she said, "My mother didn't enjoy a fight, but she was really good at them."
So it's one thing to do that in a one-to-one relationship.
But it strikes me that the biggest problems we face, many of the biggest disasters that we've experienced, mostly haven't come from individuals,
they've come from organizations, some of them bigger than countries, many of them capable of affecting hundreds, thousands, even millions of lives.
演讲简介:大多数人自然而然地回避矛盾,但是Margaret Heffernan为我们展示的,好的怀疑精神对于进步是很关键的。她为我们证明了(有时候通过反直觉的方式)为什么最好的伙伴不是志趣相投的人,以及好的研究,团队,人际关系,以及商业如何允许人们去怀疑和争执的。