TED演讲之败中求胜 去怀疑的勇气(2)

Now, Alice had trouble getting funding for her research.


In the end, she got just 1,000 pounds from the Lady Tata Memorial prize.

最后,她只得到了1000英镑,从Lady Tata纪念奖得来的。

And that meant she knew she only had one shot at collecting her data.


Now, she had no idea what to look for.


This really was a needle in a haystack sort of search, so she asked everything she could think of.


Had the children eaten boiled sweets? Had they consumed colored drinks?

这些孩子有没有吃煮沸的甜食? 他们有没有喝花里胡哨的饮料?

Did they eat fish and chips? Did they have indoor or outdoor plumbing?

他们是不是吃油炸鱼和薯片了? 他们是不是使用过户内或者户外的铅制品?

What time of life had they started school?


And when her carbon copied questionnaire started to come back, one thing and one thing only jumped out with the statistical clarity of a kind that most scientists can only dream of.


By a rate of two to one, the children who had died had had mothers who had been X-rayed when pregnant.


Now that finding flew in the face of conventional wisdom.


Conventional wisdom held that everything was safe up to a point, a threshold.


演讲简介:大多数人自然而然地回避矛盾,但是Margaret Heffernan为我们展示的,好的怀疑精神对于进步是很关键的。 她为我们证明了(有时候通过反直觉的方式)为什么最好的伙伴不是志趣相投的人,以及好的研究,团队,人际关系,以及商业如何允许人们去怀疑和争执的。