TED演讲之败中求胜 去怀疑的勇气(3)
It flew in the face of conventional wisdom, which was huge enthusiasm for the cool new technology of that age, which was the X-ray machine.
And it flew in the face of doctors' idea of themselves, which was as people who helped patients, they didn't harm them.
Nevertheless, Alice Stewart rushed to publish her preliminary findings in The Lancet in 1956.
不过,Alice Stewart还是很快将她最初的发现在1956年的The Lancet杂志中发表了。
People got very excited, there was talk of the Nobel Prize,
and Alice really was in a big hurry to try to study all the cases of childhood cancer she could find before they disappeared.
In fact, she need not have hurried.
It was fully 25 years before the British and medical -- British and American medical establishments abandoned the practice of X-raying pregnant women.
The data was out there, it was open, it was freely available, but nobody wanted to know.
A child a week was dying, but nothing changed. Openness alone can't drive change.
So for 25 years Alice Stewart had a very big fight on her hands.
25年来Alice Stewart做了很大的斗争。
So, how did she know that she was right?
Well, she had a fantastic model for thinking.
演讲简介:大多数人自然而然地回避矛盾,但是Margaret Heffernan为我们展示的,好的怀疑精神对于进步是很关键的。她为我们证明了(有时候通过反直觉的方式)为什么最好的伙伴不是志趣相投的人,以及好的研究,团队,人际关系,以及商业如何允许人们去怀疑和争执的。