TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(8)

And two days later I came to do my next emergency shift, and that's when my chief asked to speak to me quietly in her office.


And she said the three words: Do you remember?

她说了那三个字: 记得吗?

"Do you remember that patient you saw with the sore throat?"


Well it turns out, he didn't have a strep throat.


He had a potentially life-threatening condition called epiglottitis.

得的是一种有可能威胁到生命的病症, 叫会厌炎。

You can Google it, but it's an infection, not of the throat, but of the upper airway, and it can actually cause the airway to close.


And fortunately he didn't die.


He was placed on intravenous antibiotics and he recovered after a few days.


And I went through the same period of shame and recriminations and felt cleansed and went back to work, until it happened again and again and again.

而我又回到了那个愧疚和自责的时光中, 然后等情绪平复后,又回到了工作岗位, 直到这些错误再度重复的发生。

Twice in one emergency shift, I missed appendicitis.


Now that takes some doing, especially when you work in a hospital that at the time saw but 14 people a night.


Now in both cases, I didn't send them home and I don't think there was any gap in their care.


One I thought had a kidney stone.


I ordered a kidney X-ray.


When it turned out to be normal, my colleague who was doing a reassessment of the patient noticed some tenderness in the right lower quadrant and called the surgeons.


The other one had a lot of diarrhea.


I ordered some fluids to rehydrate him and asked my colleague to reassess him.


And he did and when he noticed some tenderness in the right lower quadrant, called the surgeons.

他照做了。 当他注意到病人右下腹有些柔软时,也联系了外科医生。

In both cases, they had their operations and they did okay.

这两名病患 都做了手术并康复了。

