
The Government I lead faces an important task as we negotiate our departure from the European Union. But our vision and ambition is bigger than that. Because last summer's referendum was not just a vote to leave the EU. It was an instruction to change the way our whole country works – and the people for whom it works – forever. It was a call to make Britain a country that works for everyone, not just the privileged few.

And I want the United Kingdom to emerge from this period of national change, stronger, fairer, more united and more outward-looking than ever before.

That is why I have set out a Plan for Britain that will deliver a brighter future for our country.

The Government I lead will help to build a stronger economy by investing in the skills, sectors and areas that will deliver for Britain in the long term, and by ensuring that everyone – no matter who they are or where they are from – plays by the same rules.

We will support a fairer society by breaking down the barriers of privilege and spreading jobs, opportunity and prosperity around the country, so that ordinary working people everywhere see that if you want to get on, what matters is the talent you have and how hard you are prepared to work.

We will foster a more united nation as we put the values of fairness, responsibility and citizenship at the heart of everything we do.

And we will forge a more Global Britain, securing a new partnership with Europe that will give us control of our borders and our laws, while trading beyond Europe and building relationships with old friends and new allies alike.

This is our Plan for Britain's future as we seek to make the most of the opportunities ahead.

A Plan to get the get the right deal for Britain abroad and a better deal for ordinary, working people at home.

And by working together, I believe we can deliver this Plan for Britain and build a stronger, fairer Britain that our children and grandchildren are proud to call home.