
Prosthetic legs that are able to climb mountains prosthetic arms able to play the piano.

假腿能够爬山 假臂能够弹钢琴

I've watched just in the last four years visiting well over 1, 500 amputees.

我在过去四年中看到了很多 我造访了1500名截肢患者

The radical change that is taking place, restoring them to full capacity and it's only now just beginning.

让他们恢复正常生活的重大变革正在发生 现在还只是一个开始

An era when utilities will make as much money saving a kilowatt hour as generating a kilowatt hour.

公用事业节省一度电 和发一度电产生相同收益的时代即将来临

Electric vehicles, traveling 300 miles and filling up on electrons cheaper than gasoline.

时速300英里的电动汽车 将使用比汽油更便宜的电力

Strong, lightweight materials now used by NASA cheap enough to use in cars, trucks and wind machines.

现在NASA使用的强韧轻质材料 将变得足够便宜 能用于汽车 卡车和风机

Solar energy as cheap as coal and natural gas generations before the end of this decade.

同煤炭 天然气一样便宜的太阳能 将在这个年代结束之前就能实现

Microbes and nanotechnology lowering the cost and time required to clean waste by 50%.

微生物和纳米科技让废物处理 所需的成本和时间降低50%

Real-time speech translation allowing you to talk with anyone in any language at any time.

实时语音翻译 让你能够随时随地同使用任何语言的人交谈

High-fidelity holographic video conferencing dramatically reducing the need for air travel.

高保真全息视频会议 大幅降低飞行出差的必要性

Automatically precise manufacturing allowing us to create materials that are stronger than steel and a fraction of the weight.

准确的自动化生产 让我们能创造出 比钢更强韧但质量轻很多的材料


