
4.0 yards per carry and 1600 receiving yards your senior year When I graduated from Stanford, my father, grandfather crowded around me.

你高中最后一年4.0的平均冲球码数和1600的接球总码数我从斯坦福毕业时 我父亲 祖父围着我

They grabbed the program and they said I see you didn't graduate magna cum laude.


You didn't graduate summa cum laude You just graduated thank you, Lordy. I'm out of here.

没有以最优等成绩毕业你只是普通毕业 我没脸待在这里了

And here I am at Yale coming to my graduation, my final graduation.


My father walks out to me and says, it's about time boy you've got more degrees in the month of July and you're not hot.

我父亲跑来跟我说 是时候了 儿子你在七月份获得了更多的学位 但没有公司抢着要你

Get a job And the sad thing is.


As a politician, my father still looks at me and says, get a job And so my parents have their stories, 2 of which I want to share with you.

作为政治人物 我父亲仍然对我说 找份工作去我的父母有他们的故事 我想同你们分享两个

And then I'm done about vision and please understand that when my mom, my sweet mother, my sweet grandmother.

这样我就把异象讲清楚了请大家理解 我亲切的母亲 亲切的祖母

When they tell a story, they each have a pension, for accuracy and detail When they tell me a story, even if i've heard it before.

讲故事时都非常在意准确和细节她们讲故事时 哪怕故事我原来听过

I pay attention because I'm gonna learn something and get another fact.


When my father and my grandfather, 2 extraordinary man I loved them dearly but when they tell a story.

而我父亲和祖父 这两位我深爱的杰出人士他们讲故事时

They have a pension for hyperbole and exaggeration Their stories gets so dramatic.


My father I tell you, he says, son, I was born poor Now you would heckle me if I said that.

我父亲他说 儿子 我出生时很穷现在我如果这么说 你可以诘问我

Don't you tell those people I was poor because I was just po, p-o, I couldn't afford the other 2 letters.

别告诉别人说我很穷因为我只是po 我负担不起poor的另外两个字母

And I'm telling you though weather changed over the times, he tells stories.

我告诉你们他讲的故事中 天气总会不断变化

Every single story was a storm, but then eventually the hail began.

他讲的每个故事都是一场风暴 但最后冰雹开始下落

And I'm telling you the hail moved from every single ball a sport has.


It was first the hail of the size of golf balls then the hail of the size of base balls.



