
But it was here that I tried to find my place in this world I knew I wanted to make a difference.


But it was vague how in fact I'd go about it But I wanted to do my part to do my part to shape a better world So even as I worked after graduation.

但却不清楚如何去做可我想尽自己的力量去建设一个更美好的世界因此 即使当我毕业后在纽约从事几份

In a few unfulfilling jobs here in New York I will not list them all even as I went from motley apartment.

没有成就感的工作的时候我不会一 一列举即使在我搬出一间杂乱的公寓

To motley apartment I reached out I started to write letters to community organizations.


All across the country And one day a small group of churches on the South Side of Chicago answered.


Offering me work with people in neighborhoods hit hard by steel mills that were shutting down and communities where jobs were dying away.


The community had been plagued by gang violence so once I arrived one of the first things we tried to do was to.


Mobilize a meeting with community leaders to deal with gangs And I'd worked for weeks on this project We invited the police; we made phone calls.

与社区领袖开会商量应对帮派的对策我为这项工作忙了好几个星期我们邀请了警察 我们打了电话

We went to churches; we passed out flyers The night of the meeting we arranged rows and rows of chairs in anticipation of this crowd.

我们去了教堂 我们散发了传单要开会的那天晚上 我们排好了一排排椅子以为会有一大群人到会

And we waited, and we waited And finally, a group of older folks walked in to the hall and they sat down.

我们等啊等最后 一群老人走进大厅然后坐下来





